We have been inside most of our days lately because of the weather, so we have been trying to entertain ourselves in the house.

This is
Kyler's little seat in the kitchen. He's very proud of himself for finding it!

He's just too cute!
Kyler's newest face! I'm not quite sure where it came from, but he will just do it randomly. He also does it when you ask him, "Where are your eyes?"
New Skills
Kyler's newest toy. He is getting better everyday. Not too bad for a 17 month old! He likes to hit the harder balls too, and I have to take cover!
He has been practicing basketball a little longer than baseball so he's got the hang of basketball a little better. He used to clap for himself after every shot, so we've had to move the goal up at least twice now. He likes shooting the football and volleyballs in the hoop too!
39 Weeks

Here is the picture that many of you have been asking about. Yes I am still pregnant. I thought this baby would be out by now!! I have decided that it is very mean to tell a pregnant woman that she is going to be induced all the way through her pregnancy, and then decided 3 weeks before the due date that you've changed your mind!! I thought for sure this baby would be here at least a week ago. I know I don't look huge and uncomfortable to most of you, but trust me I AM!! I think I just picked a shirt that makes me look smaller. I know I am getting a lot bigger because everyone I run into asks me how much longer!
50 Consecutive Days
Basically this summer has been
HOTT. We have had 50 days in a row of 100+ degree weather and 76 days so far this year with about 15 inches less rain than normal. Therefore, we are indoors the majority of the time. Poor
Kyler loves being outside, but I can't hack it for very long. I sweat just going out the front door and getting to the car! Plus we are under water restrictions and cannot play in his pool anymore. Today we are supposed to break the streak and only get up to 98!! To some that may seem hot, to us that is a miracle!! This is a poem that
Kenney found describing our current situation:
Ode to Texas
The devil wanted a place on earth
Sort of a summer home
A place to spend his vacation
Whenever he wanted to roam.
So he picked out Texas
A place both wretched and rough
Where the climate was to his liking
And the cowboys hardened and tough.
He dried up the streams in the canyons
And ordered no rain to fall
He dried up the lakes in the valleys
Then baked and scorched it all.
Then over his barren country
He transplanted shrubs from hell.
The cactus, thistle and prickly pear
The climate suited them well.
Now the home was much to his liking
But animal life, he had none.
So he created crawling creatures
That all mankind would shun.
First he made the rattlesnake
With it's forked poisonous tongue.
Taught it to strike and rattle
And how to swallow it's young.
Then he made scorpions and lizards
And the ugly old horned toad.
He placed spiders of every description
Under rocks by the side of the road.
Then he ordered the sun to shine hotter,
Hotter and hotter still.
Until even the cactus wilted
And the old horned lizard took ill.
Then he gazed on his earthly kingdom
As any creator would
He chuckled a little up his sleeve
And admitted that it was good.
'Twas summer now and Satan lay
By a prickly pear to rest.
The sweat rolled off his swarthy brow
So he took off his coat and vest.
"By Golly," he finally panted, "I did my job too well,
I'm going back to where I came from, 'Cuz Texas is hotter than Hell."