On Friday morning, our precious little Radley had surgery on his kidney. Nana (Kenney's mom) came to our house Thursday night to be here with the other two boys while we went to the hospital at 5:30am. It felt like forever before they finally had everything ready for surgery. Around 6:45 they took him away. I was really nervous and worried about the moment when they took him from me, but he was in my arms until I handed him to the anesthesiologist. He wasn't hooked up to all kinds of machines and in a hospital bed; he was sleeping peacefully. That made it so much easier for me.
Kenney and I waited and watched the monitor in the waiting room that showed the status of his surgery for about 3 hrs. We were told the procedure would take 1-3 hours, but I didn't actually think it would take 3 hours. Finally the surgeon came to talk to us and take us to recovery. She said everything went really well and it was slightly more severe than they thought. Luckily, everything went really smooth and they were able to repair his ureter.
Going to see him in recovery was pretty much as scary as I thought it would be. At first they would only let one of us in, so I went in alone. He was awake and had a horrible raspy cry. Thankfully, it did not take him too long to calm down and go back to sleep. The nurse also let Kenney come in and sit with us. I pretty much held him for the next 3 hours. Every time I would move or he would move he let out a pitiful little cry. It was so sad to hear. I just knew he hurt and was so uncomfortable. Fortunately, that didn't last for too long. By Friday evening, he was doing much better; I was amazed how quickly he turned a corner. The surgeon said that's what babies typically do. Friday night was a long night in the hospital with everyone coming in to check vitals and draw blood. Kenney was at home with the boys because his mom had to leave.
Saturday morning brought some good news when one of the resident doctors said there was a chance we could go home later in the day; originally they told us we would not go home until Sunday or Monday. I was hopeful, but didn't think it would actually happen. Much to my surprise and relief, the surgeon agreed when she came to see him. Within 5 hours they pulled the drain out of the incision, took out the IV, disconnected all the other cords, and we were discharged! I was beyond happy to go home so we could all sleep better, Kenney would be able to study better for his test on Monday, and we would not have to worry about finding people to watch the boys.
Thank you to all who said prayers on our behalf and were thinking of us. We are so blessed to have so much support and love from family and friends. In 6 weeks we will have an ultrasound for Radley, and assuming everything looks good, he should never have any problems again!
The night before surgery without any idea of what the next day would hold. |
Oh, I love this sweet little boy so much!! |
Just too cute! I was so worried he would never be the same after surgery. I am happy to report that it seems he will be himself once again in a few days! |
Cuddling with Daddy after surgery. No one had the heart to even snap-up his hospital gown because it hurt him to be moved too much. The white gauze/dressing is the incision area. |
Finally 'alert' at 6:00 Friday evening. Poor baby. |
Moving around a little more and chewing on the pulse oximeter. That stupid monitor beeped at us the entire time were were there. |
So tired |
He was so happy considering everything he went through. I couldn't believe how he would smile at everyone. |
Radley's visitors. They raided the snack room, got some chocolate milk and a granola bar, and got to watch Spongebob. The hospital was a pretty good place as far as they were concerned! |
Getting some rest |
One sleepy baby once we got home. He slept so much better on Mom & Dad's bed than in the hospital. |
Sunday morning I put Radley in our bed when he was starting to wake up. By the time he was truly awake, both his brothers had to come check on him. It was really cute because Kyler climbed in bed and cuddled so sweetly right next to Radley. |
The incision. They told us to take the dressing off on Sunday. It kind of made me nervous to have it off, but I guess it will heal better this way. |