These boys have an activity level that I will never be able to keep up with or understand. They constantly have to be moving and playing and making messes!! I can never keep up. I need a duplicate of myself!! However at the end of the day, I do love the sweet smiles on their cute little faces that make my heart melt. I adore my 3 crazy, busy, dirty, adorable little boys!!
This was the face that Kyler made when we pulled up to our house because we were not going to Nana & Papa's house or Oma & Papa Dude's house. He was so sad we came home. He sure loves his extended family!! |
The boys loved their field trip to Home Depot, especially 'riding' the lawn mowers. |
These boys all love to get dirty, and I hate it!! It is so frustrating and gross, but I really try and not hold them back. However, it is extremely difficult. Needless to say, they took a bath as soon as we went back inside!! |
He loved craw.ling around outside. He of course refused to walk because that would not make as big of a mess! |
They really liked the bubbles they got in their packages. |
I told you he liked getting dirty!! |
Damon had to dump all the bubbles and then splash in them. Here he is jumping in the bubbles. |
Apparently bubbles taste a lot better than I realized. He did not seem to mind the taste whatsoever!! |
They had fun making footprints out of bubbles. |
This little boy is destruction on two feet! He makes more messes than either of the other boys combined!! I am always amazed at how much he can destroy in such a short period of time! Kyler and Damon always tell me, "Mom, Radley's making a mess again." |
He was laughing every time Kyler blew the bubbles. I was trying so hard to get a video while he was laughing, but between Damon and him trying to spill the bubbles, I didn't get one. |
This is the boys swinging at the park. It's a lot of fun when I am alone at the park to try and push both the boys and hold Radley. They are always telling me, "Push me super duper really high!"
Radley is walking everywhere now, but this video was after he first started to really walk everywhere. He had been taking steps for a while, but this is the first time at the park he really got down and played. He loved it!!