Saturday night I noticed some red spots on Radley when I put his pjs on. I wasn't too worried, but wondered what it was. Then Sunday morning he had a full body rash!! It was everywhere. Surprisingly he wasn't acting sick or tired and didn't have a fever, which calmed our fears, but we still had no idea what was going on. I stayed home with him all day while Kenney took the other boys to church and tried to get him to sleep. I gave him Benadryl hoping to help with the rash and help him sleep. Of course Benadryl has the opposite effect on Radley and made him hyper. He refused to take a nap! Thank goodness I never tried to drug him to sleep using this before; it would have totally backfired on me! So after his nap it seemed like the rash was spreading but clearing up at the same time. In the places that were red before now seemed more pink and the places that were white now seemed red! We didn't know what that meant and whether it was getting better or worse. Kenney researched stuff all day about rashes, and I was debating if I should take him to a doctor (if it wasn't Sunday I definitely would have taken him). The only thing keeping me sane was that he acted completely normal and was not sickly whatsoever. Also Kenney seemed pretty confident about the rash being hives.
That night when the rash spread more to his face, Damon asked, "Is Radley going to turn into a cherry?" Haha Then during prayers that night, both Kyler and Damon prayed that Radley wouldn't turn into a cherry! I guess they do love their brother!
This morning the rash looked better on his trunk, but had moved to his extremities even more and was swelling and bruising his skin. I took him to the doctor, and the consensus is that he broke out in hives because of a viral infection. (insert by Kenney ......"I was right about the rash being hives") The attending physician also looked at him and agreed. She also thought we should give him some steroids to help it heal faster since it was so severe. I thought he looked pretty good today, so who knows what they would have thought yesterday!! Thankfully the steroids are working well and quickly so he is almost back to normal. So we don't have a cherry or a diseased looking child anymore!!
This was the morning he woke up covered. I was slightly, ok maybe very, concerned. |
Damon asked, "Mom why did Radley paint his-self?" |
I didn't think it could get much worse, but it did! |
In the morning it hadn't gotten to his back yet. |
In the afternoon when he woke up from his nap it had spread more to his face and back. |
This is what he looked like when Damon asked if he was going to turn into a cherry. He did look like a cherry!! |
Poor little guy looked awful! |
Thankfully he was pretty much himself throughout the day. |
He was COVERED! |
His poor little face got it too! |
On the bright side, Radley is starting to talk a lot more and knows all his animal sounds really well!