Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanksgiving, But Mostly Cousin, Fun

These boys were so excited to go see their cousins, and they actually got to see ALL of them. It was fun and a whole lotta crazy having everyone together! There were 23 immediate family members there at all times, and it is only going to get bigger; two more babies are joining the family early next year!! The kids absolutely love it, and it is really fun to watch them have so much fun with their cousins.
Even though there were a lot of people in the house, I think this was the smallest Thanksgiving I have ever been to at the Keys' house! I'm not sure we even made it to 50 this year! The boys discovered that they love pumpkin pie! All the pies are on the pool table, and both Kyler and Damon would sneak pieces of pie all day! They kept asking for more the next two days too. I think Thanksgiving was a hit this year!

I loved how all of them sat here together, even if they were watching a movie!
All watching one iPad Mini, not even a big one!

They looked so small sitting at this big table and in big chairs.

He LOVED seeing all the lights.  He had to point and grunt at everything!
Ready for the ride
We went downtown again and rode the hayride to see Christmas lights and drink some hot chocolate.  Kyler did not understand HOT chocolate.  Kenney told him it was hot, but he took a big drink, screamed and spit it out.  It was pretty funny.  Damon took a big drink, made a face and spit it out quietly.  Kyler was still upset when we snapped this picture.
He was so cute on the trampoline.  He got tossed around and flipped and tripped, but he stayed out there with the big kids, most of the time!
I know this is gross, but I thought it summed up our days wiping noses constantly!
Waiting for family pictures.
Wild Boys
Crazy Boys!

Proof that, at some point, Radley did sleep while we were gone.  He had such a hard time throughout the whole weekend.  He learned how to climb out of the pack-n-play (without it being a fluke), so he refused to take naps.  He was just miserable, therefore Mom and Dad were pretty miserable too.  He was the first one up every morning (before 7am) and played hard/cried all day.  Lucky for us, now that we are home, he climbs out of his crib everyday too!!  So much to be thankful for (that's a joke, but really all of Thanksgiving break and now we're stuck with the consequences).
It was so fun to have Savanna's bridal shower while she was in Texas.  We all had a lot of fun and learned a lot about her and Kevin.  We are really excited for them to get married!
She got so many cute things; I want to have another bridal shower to get that kind of stuff again!
Kerry did a great job with planning the whole thing.  The food, invitations, etc. were all amazing!  I had fun making some of the decorations.  I was just glad Savanna seemed to be happy with all of it! (Thanks for the pictures Savanna.  I copied them from your Facebook)

These boys are getting a lot more crazy when they get together.  Damon got to the point that he would stop going for the ball and just push people down.  He was ridiculous!  I'm not sure there will be a house big enough for all these boys as they get older!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Our Little Cherry

Saturday night I noticed some red spots on Radley when I put his pjs on. I wasn't too worried, but wondered what it was. Then Sunday morning he had a full body rash!! It was everywhere. Surprisingly he wasn't acting sick or tired and didn't have a fever, which calmed our fears, but we still had no idea what was going on. I stayed home with him all day while Kenney took the other boys to church and tried to get him to sleep. I gave him Benadryl hoping to help with the rash and help him sleep. Of course Benadryl has the opposite effect on Radley and made him hyper. He refused to take a nap! Thank goodness I never tried to drug him to sleep using this before; it would have totally backfired on me! So after his nap it seemed like the rash was spreading but clearing up at the same time. In the places that were red before now seemed more pink and the places that were white now seemed red! We didn't know what that meant and whether it was getting better or worse. Kenney researched stuff all day about rashes, and I was debating if I should take him to a doctor (if it wasn't Sunday I definitely would have taken him). The only thing keeping me sane was that he acted completely normal and was not sickly whatsoever.  Also Kenney seemed pretty confident about the rash being hives.

That night when the rash spread more to his face, Damon asked, "Is Radley going to turn into a cherry?"  Haha Then during prayers that night, both Kyler and Damon prayed that Radley wouldn't turn into a cherry!  I guess they do love their brother!

This morning the rash looked better on his trunk, but had moved to his extremities even more and was swelling and bruising his skin.  I took him to the doctor, and the consensus is that he broke out in hives because of a viral infection.  (insert by Kenney ......"I was right about the rash being hives")  The attending physician also looked at him and agreed.  She also thought we should give him some steroids to help it heal faster since it was so severe.  I thought he looked pretty good today, so who knows what they would have thought yesterday!!  Thankfully the steroids are working well and quickly so he is almost back to normal.  So we don't have a cherry or a diseased looking child anymore!!
This was the  morning he woke up covered.  I was slightly, ok maybe very, concerned.

Damon asked, "Mom why did Radley paint his-self?"

I didn't think it could get much worse, but it did!

In the morning it hadn't gotten to his back yet.

In the afternoon when he woke up from his nap it had spread more to his face and back.

This is what he looked like when Damon asked if he was going to turn into a cherry.  He did look like a cherry!!

Poor little guy looked awful!

Thankfully he was pretty much himself throughout the day.


His poor little face got it too!

On the bright side, Radley is starting to talk a lot more and knows all his animal sounds really well!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Snow Day

Kyler LOVES the snow!! He told me he wouldn't go to church on Sunday if there was snow because he needed to play in it. Thankfully, it didn't start snowing until we were in church, and he was so excited to come find me and tell me it was snowing!! We made it home and somehow didn't have to go out in the snow on Sunday (he never asked). Monday morning I dug out all the winter gear, found the gloves, hats, snow-pants, etc, and got everyone dressed before it all melted away. We went outside, and it took all of about 5 minutes before Radley and Damon were ready to come back inside. It took me longer to get them ready than the amount of time they played out there! Kyler didn't want to come inside, but I had a delimma: Do I let Kyler play outside unattended where I can't see him, or do I make him come inside because the other two were miserable outside? (Another reason I need a yard) So I let him play about 10-15 mins longer, checking on him every 30 seconds, before I couldn't take it anymore. Poor kid. He came in without a fight, but he wanted to stay out there so bad!

He was so excited coming home from church.  Damon said, "Mom the snow took the sun away."  I guess he noticed the sun wasn't shining and blamed the snow.  Pretty good assumption.
Of course the first thing Damon does outside is throw the snow right at me and essentially the camera!
Radley touching snow for the first time.  I tried so hard to get him to keep his mittens on, but he absolutely refused.  His poor little hands were so red from being cold and touching the snow.
Snow fight!
Radley was so curious and wondering what the other two were doing that he kept touching the snow.
Damon continued to throw the snow at anyone within reach.
Then they both ganged up on Radley.  This kid has no choice except to be tough!
He also hated his jacket.  He was much happier when I removed the jacket as well.
And still they continued to throw snow at him!
Everyone trying to make a snowball, but the snow was just not very good.
Kyler and Damon have been playing a lot of dress up lately, and Radley wanted to join in too.  He found his little boots from his lion costume and brought them to me.  He was so proud of himself.  He hated the costume at Halloween, but I guess he's warming up to it now that he has cool boots/slippers.
The boys attended their first princess party last weekend.  Radley rather enjoyed his cupcake!
He was so happy!
The boys wanted to throw me a birthday party, so they made brownies, sang Happy Birthday, and gave me presents (the rings they got from the princess party).  It was so cute to see how excited they were for my birthday and how much they wanted to make me happy!
This is a little project I just finished.  I found this metal rack, I guess you could call it, in all of my granddaddy's stuff.  I brought it home and let it sit on my dresser for a few weeks before Kenney got tired of me doing nothing with it and decided to start scrubbing off all the rust.  He really did the hard part, and then I painted it.  I really like how it turned out!  It spins and everything!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Being Silly

These boys have had a lot of fun lately. I guess that is nothing unusual, but they have been much more creative at home finding things to do or rather things to get into! Everyday there are new messes and new memories being made. However, they still would rather get out of the house and go play somewhere else. Luckily we have quite a few friends that love to have us come play!

The science spectrum had a health fair with different activities and booths. The boys had fun in the firetruck, playing in the bounces house and other fun things they had. There were also prizes to be won!!! Kyler's name was the first one drawn! He picked out the scooter. He was so excited he was a winner again!

I found them both reading books like this one day.  I'm not sure what possessed them to do this, but they weren't watching TV or fighting so I didn't mess with it!!
They also decided they wanted to dress up like Daddy.  It started with just the shoes and progressed into shorts and hats too!
Radley wanted his picture taken too.  I guess he is missing pants so he fits in with funny dressed boys!
Damon ran around with these cleats for 3 days.  He would run into the kitchen and slip and fall.  He thought he was hilarious!
This doesn't look as good as it did in real life, but they were so cute from behind!
One day we went to a friend's house to play and stayed way too long!  At 4:30 I left with Radley (the other boys stayed to play longer and were brought home later) and he was asleep in less than a minute!  He was worn out!
The boys got to explore a firetruck one day and thought it was really cool!
Kyler driving!
Damon turning the lights on.
Damon's in the driver's seat after he turned the lights on.  His little head is poking up just barely over the steering wheel.
The blowup slide came back, and they loved it!
There was an obstacle course set up.  All they had to do was tell them to go as fast as they could, and the boys were all for it!
Crawling through the box.
Kyler looks quite a bit bigger than Damon.  He only weighs about 3 or 4 more pounds than Damon, but he's to close to 6 inches in height taller!
Super Fast!
They all really enjoyed throwing the balls.  I need one of these in my house so I don't get hit and the stuff inside my house will be safe!!  I was amazed how well Kyler can aim!  He hit the target almost every time he threw it.
The bean bag toss was fun too!

This happens to me almost daily. Most of the time it is just Damon and Radley because neither of them can stand it if someone else is sitting on my lap. Kyler usually doesn't get involved, but sometimes he wants me to hold him too. Thus a brawl ensues!!