These boys LOVE school! Kyler was so excited for his first day and was ready to leave 20 mins before he needed to be there! They both got really anxious when we met their teachers the Friday before school started and couldn't wait to go. Kyler learned that his teacher's first name was Shandi and he also had a kid named Logan in his class (he has an aunt named Shandi and an uncle named Logan)! Damon was nervous, but excited. He was upset when he couldn't go in the morning (he goes from 12:30-3:30) and asked to eat lunch at 9:00, because I told him he could go to school after we ate lunch. They both wanted Daddy to take them to school so there were no tears from me or them, and when asked after school if they missed me, they both said, "No!" I wasn't surprised one bit!! I didn't know if Damon would like it after the first day, but he has asked to go to school everyday. I take that as a very good sign because I was really unsure about sending him or not. I finally decided to just do it, and I think it was the best decision!! He really likes going, and it's good for him.
I can't believe how old and big he is looking!! He is definitely not my baby anymore!
His teacher adores him (thankfully)! He wore blue shirts and shorts everyday the first week and everything he brought home was colored with blue!! He is holding a letter his teacher sent him in the mail, and he loves it. I'm glad he has such a good teacher!
Getting so tall!!
Poor little Radley has had quite the adjustment. He is getting used to this new routine, but he doesn't like to be left out. He wears his backpack frequently and has cried a time or two when Damon left, but he is adjusting well. It's really nice for me right now because Radley sleeps most of the time that Damon is at school; I can actually make a phone call without interruptions!
These boys are slowly adjusting to having a yard. They don't often go outside on their own, but slowly their endurance for staying outside is increasing! Here are a few things they have found to keep busy!
This guy is a great helper, rather he wants to be!
He likes to work right along Kenney doing whatever it is he can come up with at the time. He grabs a shovel, rake, hoe or anything to make himself feel like he is contributing. It's really sweet to see him working with his dad!
Mud/dirt is a favorite! I of course hate it because of the mess, but I am trying to get over it. I'm not sure that will ever happen, but I'm working on it.
Often Radley and Damon will end up sitting at the kitchen sink to clean themselves off, and it drives me crazy!!! I hate dirt from outside in my kitchen sink and on the counters, and they do it all the time. However they love making messes!!
Mud from head to toe!!
One evening Kenney found this turtle while mowing the lawn. He looked it up and discovered it is an ornate box turtle.
They were scared to touch it, but oh so curious!
Kyler's getting better about bugs and other things.
This little thing could dig like crazy!
Damon finally touched it after a while.
This just makes me laugh every time I think about it... One night I was turning our bedroom light off to go to bed and noticed another light on near the hall. It was coming from the bathroom, and I remembered that I had heard Damon use the bathroom about an hour before. I walked to his room to make sure he was there and couldn't find him. I walked back to the bathroom and found him asleep on the bathroom floor, pants down to ankles!! It was hilarious. I never figured out if he actually peed or if he just feel asleep, but this is how I found him!
So we moved here just in time for the water park to open this summer. I can't believe a town this small has a water park, but I was pretty impressed! There were things for everyone to do. The park was open when we moved in, but we hadn't made the time to go. We found out it was closing so we made sure to get there before it closed for the summer. I am really glad we made it in time, and the boys loved it!
It took him a little bit to get warmed up, but he absolutely LOVED it!!
This guy was a pro at the slides.
His concentration was hilarious. Either his tongue is out (like the pic above) or he is super serious like this!
I adore this picture. They never do things like this!!
This was the spot for the boys! The water dumping scared them at first, especially Radley, but eventually they all got used to it and raced to go on the slide while the water was coming down.
We didn't spend a whole lot of time over here, but it was pretty busy.
Kyler liked the lily pads the most. He waited in line several times to go across.
He was much faster than a lot of the kids!
Damon was pretty quick too, but he was much more comfortable going on all 4 rather than standing up.
He tried, but he wasn't quite big enough.
Daddy going down the big slide. Both Kyler and Damon wanted to go down, but they weren't tall enough yet. Kyler may be able to do it next year.
He did go off the diving board alone, not the high dive, but he hasn't been swimming with out help for very long. Only about a week. They wouldn't let Damon go off the diving board because he had floaties on which doesn't make sence, but he took it well!
Damon is 4!!! We decided to have a family birthday party at our house with hotdogs and cake and ice cream because most of the family hadn't been to our house, and we didn't really know any other kids!! Damon was so funny leading up to his birthday. He was so excited to turn 4. I was moving clothes in and out of drawers to get him some bigger clothes, but he wouldn't let me take out any of the size 3 clothes until he turned 4! He was very adamant that he was not 4 yet! He couldn't wait for his birthday to get here!
Everything is more fun with cousins!
Time for presents!
Pictures were not too successful.
There were plenty of people willing to help. (Kyler and Radley both wore blue for Damon. It's his favorite color).
Someone's excited!!
Ready to sing and blow out those candles.
He got a little nervous with everyone staring at him, but he eventually blew out the candles and got some cake!
This is one crazy, full of life, up and down, super physical, ready for anything, amazing little boy! He tests me like nothing else, but his persistence and ability to fight will pay off one day! Our family would be so different without him. His ability to sympathize and empathize with people stuns me sometimes! We love him!!
Damon likes to be involved with everything, but he never wants to be the one everyone looks at. I was surprised, even with family, how much everyone looking at him made him nervous. He almost didn't blow out the candles!!