This was by far, the most strange Christmas we've ever had. We left Nanny & Papa's house with no problem, and Santa's elves got all their work done in time. However around 2:30 am poor Kenney started throwing up. He continued to be sick throughout the entire morning. He missed all the present opening and everything. It was so sad to not have our Daddy with us! I have new sympathies for any parent that has to do holidays alone. It was so sad and just felt weird. We played for just a few minutes and then ate breakfast and got ready for church. I was proud of myself for getting all the presents opened, most of the wrapping paper picked up, all of us fed, dressed and out the door on time!! I even did everyone's hair!! We spent the afternoon with family in Childress while Kenney was recovering at home. Around 6:00 we came home and opened one more present with Daddy. Overall, we had much to be thankful for this Christmas, but I never want to have to do Christmas morning without Kenney again!
Fruit Snacks!!!
Damon's traditional movie left in his stocking
Opening a present for all 3 of them.
Radley excited to pop the packaging for a present. He may have been more excited about that than the present itself!
Bentley getting some baby bottles
Radley getting a book that reads to him.
Damon ready for his turn.
My biggest Christmas fail was getting a good picture of everyone ready for church. Bentley looked so cute in her Christmas dress too! Oh well, next year maybe!
These boys!! Bentely was done taking pictures!
This is the kids opening the gifts they got for one another. I love how happy all of them were to watch everyone open these presents. I also like how Radley tells Damon what he got right before he opened it. I don't think Damon noticed, but it's pretty funny.
Bentley also got some dress up clothes that included this tutu and a wand. She knew just what to do with it and LOVES to have it on! How does she even know how to be girly?? It is amazing how she knows what that stuff is when she has never seen it before. She also instinctively knows how to feed her babies the new bottles she got! She is SUCH a girl!!
Every year Kenney's family gathers together at his grandparents' house for dinner and a visit from Santa. Before we left the kids were able to open one gift that I strategically planned to be new jammies for everyone! There were so excited to open a present we got our entire living room cleaned with no problem!
My little Christmas Cuties!
Ready to open his Christmas Eve present
Look at that smile!
"I got new jammies!!"
Kyler's attempt at getting a picture of us.
Radley wanted a picture with me and Damon squeezed his was in!!
Me & My Boys
And one little girl to finish it!
She wanted nothing to do with this Santa
Excited to tell Santa he wanted a puppy
Really hoping the big man brings him an X-Box
I was surprised how willing and excited Radley was to sit with Santa too.
The best we could get of all of us
Bentley wasn't too scared of Santa the first time she saw him in Wellington. However, she was terrified as soon as this Santa walked in the door!!
Damon told Santa he wanted a puppy. I guess he hasn't lost hope in Santa because that's what he asked for last year too!
Kyler asking for an X-Box...again!
Radley was too nervous to say anything. I'm not sure if it was Santa or all the people, but he didn't say a word!
The days leading up to Christmas we spent together getting ready. On Friday after Kenney got off work we drove to Childress to let the kids by presents for each other. It is a lot of fun watching them pick presents for one another. Damon really wanted to buy Bentley a present and was so excited when he got her name! The others had fun too. After shopping we took them to McDonald's which made them even more excited. We also made some cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve. This has definitely become my least favorite Christmas tradition!! It is way too much work with not enough reward, in my opinion. Maybe I need to get a better recipe. The kids had fun so I guess that's what counts.
Kyler won this gigantic poinsettia from the bank!
Just like her brothers, she enjoyed the soda immensely!
So excited to not be eating at home!
I love that little lip pucker
It was so warm on Christmas Eve the boys were playing outside without shrits.
The dreaded (by me) cookie making.
Particular sprinkle placement
Straining to get the lid open.
They had a lot of fun with the sprinkles.
Always so happy!
"Take a picture mom. I have sprinkles all over my teeth."
By the second batch, they were not quite as interested.
This is Bentley eating Radley's ice cream at McDonald's. I think it's safe to say she enjoyed it!
So we noticed our heater was starting to make a lot of noise and began vibrating the floors and walls in the house. We knew we needed to get it checked out. Well early Monday morning (2:20am) I woke up and noticed a new strange noise it started to make. Come to find out the fan busted. Kenney disassembled the whole housing unit hoping we could get it fixed quicker and easier. By 4:30 we were back in bed with extra blankets on everyone. The next day we called the heating people and hoped to get a part in before Christmas, and I took the kids to Childress so we could be warm. The part got ordered; now we just had to hope it got in and they would be able to install the new fan. Late Tuesday we found out the fan was installed. I picked up the fan and brought it home expecting us to have heat that night. Kenney put the housing unit back in, hooked up all the wires, and it wouldn't turn on!! UGH!!!! Then he noticed it was missing a 3amp fuse. One little fuse!! Somehow it had been pulled out. Of course all the stores in Wellington were closed, and the Dollar Store didn't have one. So we were stuck without heat once again. Before falling asleep Kenney noticed some of our friends had a rough week too and got a stomach bug on top of all the other bad things that happened to them. He said, "I would much rather be cold than be throwing up!" Well little did he know that at 2:20am (a horrible time I've decided) Radley would start throwing up!! You have got to be kidding me!! So now we had no heat and the stomach bug!!! Thankfully only Radley and Kyler have thrown up and Kenney was able to find a fuse Wednesday morning here in town! We now have a working heater and (fingers crossed) a healthy family!
Damon said he wasn't feeling good, so he fell asleep with his head in a bowl, just in case.
Radley fell off the couch and hit a table giving him quite the goose egg!
It swelled up so fast!
The night a really bad cold front came blowing in, the condensation on our windows froze. There was solid ice on the inside of our windows when the heater was working!!
We've spent a lot of time looking at these wires lately!!
See that purple fuse with a "3" on it?? that was not there when we got the heater back from the repairman! That one little $.75 part kept us cold for one more night!!
This has nothing to do with the rest of the post, but here his what Daddy does to try and keep this girl happy at church! She has become quite the handful during church. We'll do what ever works!
The best part of the holidays is getting to play with all the cousins!! The boys are in heaven when everyone comes to play! I'm not the best about getting the camera out when everyone is around, but here are a few things that kept the kids busy and happy, which means I'm busy and happy too!
This has been the favorite thing to do at Nana and Papa's house lately. All of them gather around the TV and play the X-box.
Look at me Mom!
Running around getting into everything!!
Papa & Damon
Lately there has been a phone in Bentley's hands at all times!
Damon always wants Bentley to sit with him while she drinks her milk.
Bentley likes the camera on the phone.
One day at lunch Papa came home from work and brought a bounce house for the kids to play in. They were so excited!!
Kids jumping everywhere!!
Static hair!
All those crazy boys and Bentley!! She doesn't look too thrilled to be with all of them.
Bentley wasn't so sure about the bounce house, but her hair sure was cute!!
Radley was having a rough time saying cinnamon roll!