Monday, February 29, 2016

Outside Fun!

The last two weeks have been amazing weather wise, besides it being slightly windy! The boys have taken full advantage, and I love it!! I am so happy our yard and trampoline have been used so much lately. It seems as if winter is over, but I'm afraid that means it's going to be a long hot summer!!

We have been blessed with great neighbors that come to our house daily. I am so happy when all the kids are playing because the neighbors are good kids and it keeps my kids away from electronics! They don't even ask to watch anything on the TV or play with the iPad. It is truly a miracle!! It surprises me how much the kids come to our house because I don't feel as if we have much to offer here, especially since all but one of the kids are older than ours. However, I really hope it continues and the kids keep playing together!

Playing at the park in their cool shades!
The first of many tutus for this girl!  I love her sweet smile and personality.
It seemed as if over night these pretty flowers showed up all over two of our trees!  It really looks like popcorn popping!
So petite and pretty!
Everyone Jump!
I guess Damon was the only one not jumping, hence he is the only one that's not blurry!
We love our neighbors!  The oldest brother Isaiah is missing, but here is JoJo (Joseph), Damon, Jaky (Jacob), Kyler, Chloe, and Radley.
Radley's tricks on the trampoline.  He will try any trick he sees other kids doing.  It's kinda scary, but thankfully right now, he doesn't have quite enough coordination to do most of the tricks!
Damon's trick!
I think we need to get a bigger basketball goal, but they still play with this little goal all the time.
Radley usually seems to get the regulation size ball.  It's such a big ball for such a little boy!
Damon's shot is getting pretty good, but he is a really good defender.
This little girl has had some major bed head lately!
This has been the worst so far!!  She is also rubbing a nice bald spot on the back of her head which makes me sad, but right now her hair is long enough to cover it up.  Hopefully the spot won't get much bigger!
I have been trying to combat the thumb sucking with gloves, but she just loves her hands.  Kenney and I are still shocked at how easily she will fall asleep sometimes.  The boys would have never fallen asleep with so many people around at Sunday dinner.
So sweet and peaceful sleeping on Daddy!

Damon is the best big brother! All of the boys have been debating about who loves Bentley the most. Although I do not doubt Kyler and Radley love her, Damon is on a different level! I caught him singing this song about how beautiful she is and a little later in the day he was singing another song he made up saying, "Bentley, I love you. I love you the most. You are the best!" I am in awe and so happy to see him love her. They also decided in the car the other day that all of them would marry her. I'm not so sure any of them will like that plan in the future, but I will just let them love her for now!

Monday, February 15, 2016


My little brother picked out this adorable dress for Bentley.  I love it and her tongue!
She is just so precious!
I can't believe how old and big he is getting!!  I'm also glad I got this picture because he was playing with his tie during church and it had to be ripped off since he tightened it and started panicking.  Ugh, this is why we don't have nice things.  It's not worth it!
I got the pouty face!!  I love this lip!
Almost a little bit a chunk on this little girl!
One night at Nana and Papa's house Radley was so tired he fell asleep in the middle of the living room with everyone around.  He hadn't taken a nap and was just plain worn out!
On another night, these two fell asleep rather close!  I don't know how they were sleeping.
They really could not have gotten any closer!
I was exhausted this day because of sick kids.  Two had pink eye and one was throwing up through the night and one is a baby!  No further explanation is needed!  I think I may have actually gotten a little nap like this.
Notice the drool  on his face!
She wants to suck her thumb so bad!  I think it is so cute, but only while she is this little.  I have been trading it out for her pacifier, but she loves her hands and seems to find her thumb often.
Just happy!
One of Radley's nasty falls.  This one broke through just slightly on the other side of his lip too, but thankfully not enough to get stitches.

Friday, February 5, 2016

End of January

I haven't gotten the camera out much and don't have much to report, but life continues around here. The camera on my phone is still awful, but it at least captures small moments! Here are a few from the end of January.

I didn't get the best picture at Muffins for Moms, but I thought this was a sweet moment when Radley and Damon were sharing a chair and eating muffins!
Radley loves to hold his baby sister; well for at least 15 seconds!
Not the best picture, but I love these bright colors on her.
 Bentley is such a happy baby; the happiest baby our house has ever seen!!  We all adore her, and her smile is even more cute when her bow is making her hair extra poofy!!