Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Basketball started at the end of January and lasted all month long into March. Kyler was on the same team as last year going to Altus to play games. Being in the same 1st-2nd grade division, our boys were the bigger ones this year, except for Damon. We tried to get him on a 1st grade team, but the parents were not cooperating. They wanted to drive to all different tournaments that had inconsistent rules, referring, and costs. We tried to talk them into the same league as Kyler's team, but they wouldn't listen. Thankfully, Kyler's coach decided to let Damon play with the 2nd graders. It worked out so nicely! Damon may have been the smallest one out there but that didn't stop him or slow him down. He was intimidated whatsoever.

Kyler greatly improved over the course of the season becoming much for aggressive and assertive.  He has a great shot and made several.  His dribbling is good; he just lacks the confidence he needs to do it more in the games.

Damon is super quick and a great rebounder.  He comes out of no where and rebounds or stops the ball on defense. Their coach would tell Damon to stay on a guy, and Damon wouldn't leave him.  He was great at help defense too.  It was very natural and instinctive for him.  The ball didn't get passed to him very much, but he made point almost every game without anyone passing to him.

The younger sibling cheering squad.

Here are a few videos of them playing. It really was fun to watch!!

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

A Trip to Brownwood

We made a quick trip to Brownwood to my Great Aunt Icie's funeral. While we were there, we saw Nanny, Aunt Darla, and the Barneys. I'm glad we were able to go. It was good to see everyone, and I think Aunt Icie would have appreciated us coming. She loved seeing our kids and talking about them. We didn't take many pictures, but Damon made it memorable with a few questions and comments. This was the first funeral the kids had been to, so it was a new experience for them. When Damon saw the body in the casket he was very concerned someone cut off Aunt Icie's legs because he couldn't see them. I didn't want to explain everything as everyone was walking out, so I took him into another viewing room and tried to explain that only half of the casket was open and the legs are just not seen. I'm not quite sure he understood, but he didn't ask any more questions! The kids did great during the funeral, which was pretty long, and the burial. We went to eat afterwards and had a good visit with everyone. On the way out, we stopped in Bangs and drove by the house I grew up in and the city park. The kids got out to play and of course couldn't help but throw rocks into the water. And then Kyler stepped in the water, go figure!!

The kids were excited about staying in the hotel and eating donuts!!

The boys found rocks and water so they must be combined!! Bentley had to join in also, but refused to take off her pretty dress and insisted on throwing rocks in her dress.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Radley & Bentley

These two are 100% entertaining!! It's pretty funny what they say and do everyday. Here are a few examples.

It was pretty warm outside one day and Bentley found these floaties and goggles and said, "Mom go to swimming pool."  Um, it's February that's not happening!
This attire is a daily thing, especially the no clothes with a blanket cape.
We are just proud Bentley is wearing clothes; she pretty much just runs around in a diaper an occasionally puts on her princess dress or mismatched clothes, but usually she wears nothing.
Two weirdos!! haha
The are of selfie taking begins young...

This video is absolutely hilarious!! Radley's ninja moves are on point!!! 

If you watch it carefully you can see him hit himself 3 times in this video!! Bentley's got some great moves in this video around the 2 minute mark, listening to AC/DC. Radley likes to listen to rock-n-roll music. He chooses the Def Leopard or Offspring Pandora stations. Bentley now requests "rocky roll" too!

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Busy and Goofy Kids

These two are just too much some days!  They came around the corner looking like this one day and made me laugh.  
Kyler and Damon got their Cub Scout uniforms and were really excited!  
All of the kids busy making Valentines for their friends.  And Bentley doing hers too, mostly just trying to feel like a big kid.
This girl is just hilarious some days!
Yeah she thinks she's so cool!!

Bentley and Kyler doing quite the dance. Kyler is just funny and weird, while Bentley is quite impressive with her dress, and she's got heels on under her big princess dress.

This is Bentley's favorite song to sing during Family Home Evening. It's cute watching her try to sing it and do the actions.

We had a church dance on Valentine's Day, and the kids all had a blast. They danced the whole time. Bentley was pretty adorable trying to keep up with all the big kids!!

Monday, February 5, 2018

Rafe's Birthday Party

One of Bentley's close friends had a birthday party that our whole family was invited to, and we all had so much fun. It was a Minnie mouse party with lots of games and plenty of cake and ice cream!  All the kids came home with a bag, or purse as Bentley called it, filled with all kinds of goodies. Unfortunately Rafe is  moving soon! 

Playing with the photo booth props.
Bentley and Rafe
She loved the props and only picked the girls ones of course!
They didn't fully understand the concept, but they kept trying!!
Bentley sits with Rafe at church every week, because we aren't cool enough for her.  She sure is going to miss her.