Poor Kyler had to get some teeth extracted this month. We've known for a while the teeth were there; we were just hoping they would get easier to pull. However, the extra baby tooth wouldn't get loose and the extra permanent tooth was blocking his other teeth from coming down possibly causing them to misshape. So it was time to have them pulled. Kevin thought it would be best to go see an oral surgeon to have the procedure done. We finally got the appointment scheduled and drove to Amarillo. Thankfully Kenney was able to come and Nana watched Damon, Radley, and Bentley so the whole family didn't have to be there.
He was nervous leading up to the extraction, but was keeping it together really well. They put the numbing gel on his gums and then started the shots. That was the worst part! He started getting really anxious and was in pain, so they decided to give him some nitrous gas. That seemed to help calm him down, and they were able to finish the shots.
The first baby tooth came out super easily and quick! The next one was super tough! The Dr kept trying and trying, digging and digging, and pulling and pulling. However it wasn't coming out!! At one point he left the room to go look at the x-rays another time. He decided they needed to pull out another tooth. They pulled another baby tooth. Once that tooth was pulled he could get to the permanent tooth. Unfortunately, it was laying horizontally so the regular plier-like tool he used for the other teeth couldn't grab the tooth. Eventually he worked it out and pulled it out! After 3 stitches he was done. Kyler did great! He sent us home with some instructions and a prescription.
Kyler was really hurting right after the procedure. 30 minutes later when he was able to take out the gauze to stop the bleeding, we game him some Tylenol. We thought we would need to fill the script and give him something stronger, but he did amazing!! He never asked for medicine again. I was shocked! We ran a few errands, and he never complained. He got a milkshake and tried to eat a french fry. The fry was too salty and it stung, but the was able to eat the milkshake. Dad let him pick out a few things from Target, so he got a Rubicks cube and a box of Pokemon stuff. We were surprised and really proud of how he handled everything.
That night he slept really well and never complained again. He got hit in the mouth twice playing with his brothers and had a scare when he pulled on a loose stitch. It started bleeding really bad and it scared him. Overall he still has a really big hole in his mouth and it takes him even longer than normal to eat, but he's doing really well.
Super calm and a little cold before it all started. |
Looking at his teeth here on the right, the baby tooth behind his front tooth was the easy one too pull. They ended up pulling the other baby tooth next to it also. |
Trying to calm down after feeling the shots going in. |
Taking deep breaths through his nose. |
At the top on the left is the unexpected 2nd baby tooth that was pulled, next to it is the extra baby tooth. Below the 2 baby teeth is the extra permanent tooth. The bottom picture is the same teeth but the opposite side of the extra tooth. That is exactly how it was laying in his gums. The Dr told us extra teeth are often large and weird shaped. That definitely describes this tooth! |
One week after |
He's got a good sized gap now. |