Besides school, there hasn't been too much going on around here! The kids have been surviving school (the newness has worn off and some kids would rather not go). I on the other hand, love school!! It really has been better for all of us. Work has steadily gotten more busy for Kenney which is good too. We always seem to find something around here to keep us occupied, so we are definitely not bored!
Pretty sure Bentley won the better Pre-K picture!! This still one of my all time favorite pictures of Damon!
We knew our egg supply would not keep up with our family's appetite. Some friends gave us 3 more chickens, but we thought they may need some more space. Kenney decided to build a chicken coop because everything online was so expensive and wasn't great quality.
Daddy will always have a helper!
See how well she helps to hold that hose?? He couldn't do it without her.
One day after school Kenney asked the kids to make their eyes as big as they could. It was pretty funny, so he started to video them. He started off with just the girls, then everyone got involved.
If you watch Mackenzie the second time she tries, she starts shaking! She takes things seriously!
You have to watch this video and watch each kid individually. It's pretty funny!
Mackenzie is one of a kind! We are always entertained and kept on our toes with her around! She's always on the move and getting into something or doing something funny. Here are a few videos of what she's been up to lately.
She's really loving shoes lately!
Learning to put them on is a different story!
I love this video of them sharing ice cream. We had just finished eating, and I said, joking around, "I'm not sharing ice cream with Mackenzie!" All the boys immediately said the same thing, and then Bentley pipes up, "I will share with her." It was super sweet and then then shared with no problems.
Putting shorts on is really difficult as well.
This girl really likes to watch football. Hopefully that doesn't change because there will be a lot more football in this house!
This girl can draw almost all day. She loves drawing and has pretty good coordination with it. Unfortunately, she likes to write on any surface available. No wall, cabinet, floor, couch, etc. is free from her scribbling. Thankfully she has recently discovered Boogie Boards so we try and encourage her using that.
Everyone was excited for the first home football game. It almost felt like things were getting back to normal! We had to buy tickets online but weren't required to wear a mask, so we weren't sure what to expect at the game. Thankfully, nothing was very different. There were a few people with masks on and hand sanitizer available, but everything else was normal. We all sat next to one another while sitting on signs that told us to 'social distance' and yelled like any normal game. It was great to see so many people out and about finally! The kids were all really excited and did great watching the game.
Ready for school and the big game! She loves wearing her cheerleading uniform to school!
Talking with the players after the game.
Radley got to hold a helmet! He thought it was cool.
Bentley and her friend Rafe
The boys were all excited to watch some football!
Mackenzie was getting into the band music! She was watching everything Bentley was doing.
Too shy to show Dad her cheering skills, and Mackenzie didn't want to be left out.
Radley finally lost a tooth!! He almost lost it the day after Mackenzie, but it ended up being 2 days after Mackenzie lost her first tooth. So his baby sister upstaged him!!
Cheesing away with one front tooth!!
Nice little space to stick her tongue!
She has become quite the climber lately, but she can't always get down. Here she is stuck on the top of the table because she's too scared to get down. I have found her on the island in the kitchen walking around and on the table too.
These kids have a lot of fun with filters
Not her best angle.
The entire left side of her face is all red because once again she fell down. The girl's face cannot be blemish free. She's always hitting something!
Kyler started phase one of his orthodontic adventures... He had 6 teeth pulled to make room for some permanent teeth that need to come in. Unfortunately, once those 4 teeth grow in, they too will also be pulled. He struggled during the procedure, but he has handled the recovery amazingly well. He never even asked for any pain medicine! We are really hoping he will have some beautiful teeth once this entire process is over!
Yeah those baby teeth weren't going anywhere for a while.
Well the old 30 year old washer we had finally gave up! It was starting to have some problems, but then it started smoking and smelling like some electrical burn so we knew it was time to move on. I hated the process of getting a new set, but it was beyond time. Of course it happened the day I stripped all the beds and cleaned the bathroom so not only did I have a lot of cloths to wash, but I now had 3-4 loads of sheets and towels. Go figure! After spending the evening in Amarillo and finding nothing, thanks COVID, I decided to shop local and go with the Speed Queen. I have heard great things about them so I hope they will last as long as they profess to last. It's not exactly how I wanted to spend $2,000 but I shouldn't have to think about a washer and dryer for a long time!
This is is CRAZY! She jumps off everything now. Kenney has been trying to get videos of all the crazy things she does.
Of course the others have to join too. I'm sure it's hard to tell where she learned all these crazy things from...