Monday, July 26, 2021

Six Flags, Hurricane Harbor, & Stadiums

We got a special oppotunity after gettting out teeth cleaned. One of Kevin's assistants also works for the radio station and asked if we wanted tickets to Six Flags Over Texas. Uh, Yeah!!! She also sent tickets for Hurricane Harbor. The kids were super excited because we had never taken them to a theme park. Thankfully, Oma and Papa Dude did us a huge favor and kept Mackenzie with them. It made things so much easier. We had a great time and learned a lot for the next time we attempt something like this again!

Six Flags  

Ready to begin!!

First ride of the day!

I was able to do this ride; I wasn't sure I could handle the spinning, but I guess it wasn't too tight of a circle!


The big boys went straight to Superman and LOVED it!!  It was super tall and super fast!
They rode this one without me.  I was not about to attempt something like this!

You can barely see their heads about the tea cup.  They didn't quite understand how to spin themselves, but they still had fun.
Waiting for the log ride.
Not quite patiently... we were hot and needed a drink.  I was not about to get out of line to get one, so she decided crying would help!
This was their favorite ride and we ended up doing it 3 times!
Riding by himself because Bentley was still pouting.
I rode Titan with the 2 big boys.  It was so so fast!!  Not my favorite, but it didn't make me sick, so that's a win!
This kid is an adrenalin junkie!!  The higher and faster, the better!

The only ride we all did together.  It was pretty cool; we got to shoot things.
So hot she needed to lay out and stretch her legs, haha.
They got wet on this on!
Took these ones on the log ride while Dad and Damon went on the Titan. Kyler liked it as much as the others.

Damon made a friend while riding the high swings.  We went on the Batman ride together after this.
She was much more pleasant after she spent some money and when shopping!

Our hotel and both parks were right next to AT&T Stadium and the Rangers Stadium.  Damon and Radley were thrilled, so we went and checked them out before heading to Hurricane Harbor. 

Damon dreams of having his jersey in this window some day!

Kyler left his shirt in the car, I should have made him put it on!!

He wants to go see a game so bad.  He looked it up and some tickets were only $6/person.

They found some stairs and wanted to see where they went, lol!

Hurricane Harbor

We learned very quickly at Hurricane Harbor that we are small town people and that bodies come in ALL shapes and sizes, haha.  Right when we got there lines were super short, but it didn't take long for the people to keep filing in.  The boys all rode the tallest slide there twice right in a row.  Bentley refused to do any water slide.  The lazy river was a big hit for everyone though.  Once the lines got long and the river was super crowded the kids had had enough.  We ended up leaving early and taking the kids to Red Robin rather than waiting it out through the lines.
Bentley enjoyed the little kid part.  The boys thought there were too many people.

I can't do the rides that go in circles anymore, so Radley and Bentley were left to themselves, but they seemed to enjoy it!  This was their first ride of the day.

I was taking Damon on the high swings while the others rode this ride.  Apparently Kyler got soaked!!

We didn't get to go inside, but Damon still thought it was pretty cool to check out his future workplace!!

Kyler's attempt at riding the waves

Radley did really well!

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Summer Time

Rarely but sometimes the kid would sleep until 8am
Couldn't hang with the big kids any long during the movie night
The boys got bunkbeds!!  And a triple bunk at that!  There room is so much more open.
Kenney and I were able to go out for out anniversary to a hibachi restaurant.  It was a lot of fun, especially since Kenney had never been.  We sat with another group and explained we were celebrating our 14th annivesary.  The gentleman directly behind the chef in the picture was a state congressman from Altus.  He told the waitress and had her give us a special dessert.  Then he proceeded to pay for our dinner!  It was great, not just that he paid for it, but because it was so great to be around good people.
Jumping in the sprinkler on the trampolien
I think that crib is a little small for her
Old Settlers Parade!
Fun at United
Jumping as a storm rolled in with George.


Fun at the WAV
Bentley spent a lot of time at the WAV with the Barlow kids, and she loved it!
It's always extra fun with cousins show up too!
Moving boxes trying to earn money for Six Flags
Friends and cousins at the WAV make it even better

I was actually really surprised Bentley went down the steep slide, but she did it!  She jumped off the high dive too!  Considering she just learned how to swim independently this summer that's pretty impressive!

This girl loved being in the swimming pool and points out the WAV every time we drive by!