Monday, August 30, 2021

Nanny Turns 90!! & More

Nanny with the present we got her, a sign that has Grandaddy's handwriting from one of the letters he sent her while he was in Korea.
These two are quite the pair!
Love her!!
I'm slightly offended she asked for a picture with Kenney and then gave him this smile!!  Why didn't I get such a genuine smile.
Nanny's cake
One of the many interesting outfits she has worn to tell the kids bye in the morning.
We found this snake at our house on two different occasions (Mackenzie found it one time while she was turning off the water).  After the second time, Kenney took it far away from the house.
Business as usual at the Pep Rally this year, no COVID restrictions.
Throughout this pandemic it sure has been nice to live in this small TEXAS town!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

First Day of School

Some days throughout the summer, I wasn't sure if this day would come. However, we made it to the first day of school. All 4 older kids in school all day!! It's really quiet at home during the day. Mackenzie wasn't too sure the first couple days, but she learned that she controlled everything once all the others were gone so she didn't mind it quite so much! Bentley likes kindergarten so much more than she did pre-k, which is great. Junior high was scary for me, mostly because I don't know how things work in the Junior High here. I dropped Kyler off the first day kinda blind. They didn't tell the kids anything. I had to ask the office right before school started what time the school day began and when they were dismissed. How was I supposed to know when they don't tell the kids anything?!? Kyler caught on quick and has been doing great. Damon loves being the oldest group of kids, and Radley handles 3rd grade like a champ.
Mackenzie had to grab her water and backpack just like the other kids.  She wasn't going to be left out.
I surprised the kids after school and bombarded them with water balloons.  I'm pretty sure they didn't expect that.
I really thought they would think this would be fun and enjoyable for them.  I was wrong; they almost got mad at me!!  Oh well, I'll never be the fun mom.
We also celebrated this guy's birthday.  Drake and Mackenzie have quite the love/hate relationship.

I was able to make a cake for him.  It was pretty fun.


For some reason most of the balloons deflated and weren't usable by the time we made it over with the kids, but I still had a lot of fun!

Mackenzie sure made herself at home in Bentley's classroom when we went to Meet the Teacher.  I bet she'll be ready once it's her turn.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

End of Summer

The last few days of summer were fun and of coursed involved ice cream, swimming, and video games!!


Mackenzie became quite independent by the end of the summer.  She LOVES the pool.

This girl was fully independent by the end of the summer, jumping of all the diving boards, even the high ones, going on slides and jumping in everywhere!  It's so nice when they can swim without help!!  One more to go!!

Everyone always wants to play with Mackenzie, but she doesn't always let everyone play with her, haha!  But it's usually pretty cute when it does happen.

Watching these two play video games is usually pretty entertaining.  They are so different!

She always makes us laugh, always!

Then she started hamming it up!!

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Damon's 10th Birthday

Celebrating with friends
We sure love this kid!
When we tell people he's obsessed with football, they never quite understand until they are around him for a little while and see the obsession for themselves.  But he truly wants to play for the Cowboys some day!
Such a good looking kid!
Root beer floats with his loud crazy friends!


Damon went easy on me this year and didn't have me make a cake!!  

He also loves this game and finally found some people to play with him because no one in our family will do it!!

Monday, August 9, 2021

Losing Teeth & Wild and Free

Bentley lost her first tooth right before kindergarten started!  All of the boys waited until right before 2nd grade; she's ahead of the curve.
This girl loves doing all sorts of gymnastics!
It's hard to stay awake all day with the big kids!
We've been using some of Oma & Papa Dude's bikes and going for rides as a family.  It's been great!

Wild and Free on 83 Bike Parade!
Mackenzie wanted to feel part of the action too.
Checking out the firetruck.
Damon worked really hard with Acey to get her ready for the dog show.  He went out to practice every day for weeks leading up to it.  We brought the hurdles and everything for her to jump, but it didn't turn out so well.  She was super distracted and refused to do anything, for Damon or Kenney.  She ended up recieving the "Naughtiest Puppy" award, which she earned, but Damon didn't quite get the joke.  It really hurt his feelings.  He came home and cried.  It was really sad to watch.  We tried to explain that everyone knew she wasn't a bad dog, but there was just too much going on.  He wasn't having it.  I'm not too sure if there will be any dog shows in our future...

Watch Mackenzie closely....

The kids were all interviewed before the parade began.

The riding was a little tricky for Bentley since she just started riding without training wheels, but she did great!

Damon and Kenney trying to get Acey to cooperate was a struggle!  She was so distracted and would not do anything they had practiced.  It was really hard on Damon, after working so hard.

Proof that Acey can do some tricks!!  He had me post this to Facebook so everyone could see that she really can perform when she's not distracted.

Mackenzie is pretty funny explaining all of Acey's tricks.  She knows how to signal her to do all of them, but she doesn't really have any control over Acey.