Sunday, April 30, 2023

Rattlesnake Round Up

 Kenney took the boys and Papa Dude to Mangum, OK for the Rattlesnake Round Up.  I declined the invitation and stayed home, surprise surprise!  They had a good time and saw lots of snakes.  Kenney was disappointed they weren't able to eat any rattlesnake and the food in general, but he was happy he was able to have some time with the boys.

These were not rattlesnakes they were touching, thank goodnes!
They found some bling for Mackenzie
The healthy food offered at such events!

They learned a lot of interesting things about the snakes

Yep, they all touched it

How does this not freak them out???

Friday, April 28, 2023


 Kenney was able to take the boys fishing and caught a big one! They had a great time, and it was much needed time outdoors and together. Both Papas were there too.

That is a big bass!!
They also found some cool artifacts.

Friday, April 21, 2023


Prepping the garden
Dad gets to celebrate birthdays too!
Putting the 3D printer use!
Eat lunch with your kid
We saw Radley too!


Baby Jaylen is always getting passed around.
Everywhere he goes, everyone gets a turn.
Quite the outfit she's got going on
Cutest little lawn mower.
Bentley was super sweet and used her money to buy both her and Mackenzie a squishmellow
Mackenzie was practicing writing her letters
Fake nails

One of the teachers sent this to me saying Hafen likes it when pretty girls read to him!

Bentley's teacher often sat Hafen at her table because she was so good with him.

Sunday walks in nice weather are awesome!

We took Nanny to lunch one day and Mackenzie loved it!

I'm sad that the Beach Boys "Get Around" didn't transfer over, but it went great with her scootering!

Monday, April 10, 2023



Palm Sunday
We attempted to make unleavened bread for the Passover meal.  The bread wasn't great, but we had a great discussion about the sacrament and our Savior.
Egg hunt at the church
We also tried something new on Thursday night and washed the kids feet like Christ did for his apostles.  It was a neat experience.
Our 'Passover' meal
The kids really like this tradition.  The Barlows, Livelys and Nanny all came.
The creepy Easter Bunny at the 4H egg hunt
Searching for prize eggs
Friends make it more fun!
She couldn't get enough
We found another one at the Assisted Living egg hunt
Nanny was thrilled to have the kids there!
There were more than enough eggs!!
Mackenzie's prize
Sunday morning Kyler was sick, so everyone else went to visit Conner's grave and church.
Easter dinner at the Barlow's
This is becoming more and more my favorite time of year!

This might be our last year with a tiny kid.  From now on, they might all be in the big kid group or higher!

She got into character with those bunny ears!!

We couldn't believe there were so many eggs and so few kids.  Nanny had a great time showing off the kids and watching them!

These girls still love a dress that twirls!!