Thursday, August 31, 2023

Cutting Down Cottonwood Trees

One day while Kenney was home for lunch some guy came by and asked if we wanted our big cottonwood trees cut down. We had always known that we wanted them down at some point, but didn't think it would happen for a while. This guy gave Kenney a great deal, and he did it. It was very sketchy watching him do it. Thankfully they did not hit the house, but I didn't really trust them. It's been really weird without them there.


That one fell way too close for comfort!
They just weren't very pretty trees and had a lot of dead in them.
Kenney went across the street to watch them drop one of the trees.
There it goes...

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Nanny's 92nd Birthday

 Well, Nanny has now made it more than 2 years in Wellington!! She loves having the kids around and, we were happy she was able to let us celebrate with her!

The entire cake was covered in Nanny spit!!

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Football Friday and Cheer Camp

Football season means Friday night lights and cheerleaders. The girls were able to attend cheer camp (which was really early this year) and Kyler is now in the marching band. The girls had a great time, and it's fun to watch them.
Radley is down there between #79 and #13.  He looks really little compared to them!
Rocket Red Fridays
Mackenzie is front and center with the big red pom poms

Bentley is in the middle line 4th from the back, and Mackenzie is in the last line 3 from the back.

Bentley is in far right of the screen with the solid red skirt and Mackenzie is shaking her little hips in the front with the red pom poms

Kyler making it look easy!

Friday, August 18, 2023

First Day of School 2023-2024

 Summer seemed to end quickly and school started again, this year will all of them going at least for part of the day (such a weird feeling for me)!  It's the last year we will not have one on each campus for the next 7 or so years! They were all torn about school starting back.  They wanted to be with their friends more regularly, and do sports and such, but the school part they weren't looking forward to.  I remember those days!!

My last one off to Pre-K!!  I thought I might be a little bit sad, but honestly, watching how excited she was I couldn't be sad.  I was thrilled for her, and she has loved every second of it!!

Meet the Teacher night and Mackenzie was so so excited!

First day of school with her friend Blair

Bentley and her group made a tower with marshmallows and sticks.  They won for the tallest structure.

College readiness Monday.  Every Monday Radley wears a BYU shirt.  Super proud to wear the blue!

Kenz with her college shirt!

Bentley sporting WT from a birthday party last year

Monday, August 14, 2023

End of Summer & Damon's Birthday

We didn't have any big plans to end the summer, but there was a youth temple trip on Damon's 12th birthday. We let him pick where to eat and ended up at Red Robin. He also had some friends over and watched a movie, but I guess I didn't take any pictures, oops!  I think he still had a happy birthday.


Damon picked the restaurant and no one was surprised when he picked Red Robin!

I think he had about 4 root beer floats!!

Not quite sure what started this, but all of them ended up stuffing something into their clothing!

Kyler's pose, hahaha!!
These kids finished so many puzzles this summer.
Youth temple trip!

This couch has gotten so much use out of it!  Someone is always messing with the cushions and pillows for something.

She is never one to be left out!

Dad is always finding some way to entertain them while I shop for groceries.