Sunday, March 31, 2024


It is becoming harder and harder to focus on the Savior during the Easter season.  There are so many distractions and things going on that keep our attention on less important things.  We still tried and I know those efforts are noticed, but I wish we could make it more about Christ!  We had 2 Easter dinners in one day and a couple egg hunts too.

Dying Eggs!
Darker shelled eggs make such rich colored dyed eggs
Pre-K Egg Hunt!
Mackenzie and Presley, never far from one another.
She got a lot of eggs at the Assited Living!

Radley held back, but he did get a prize egg

Church Egg Hunt

Finding the hidden eggs
Making palm leaves to celebrate Palm Sunday and reenact the procession.
Passover!  Mackenzie and Dad were coming back from t-ball practice and were late.

A new game at Kerry's.  The egg toss.
I love our Holy Week Poster.  One of my favorite traditions.


Egg hunt from Oma & Papa Dude

Friday, March 29, 2024

Kyler and Damon Track

 Track is not heavily focused on here in Wellington.  The boys only had 3 track meets.  It was really sad for them.  Kyler and Damon both learned to push through injuries and recovery from injuries this season. Kyler was fully release from his knee dislocation the week before track season started.  He had not even been allowed to jog for 12 weeks!!  His leg strength was very weak.  It was nice to see him try and push as hard has he could. He also injured his tail bone during practice when he fell coming down from a hurdle the day before one track meet (on a Friday) and 3 days before the district track meet the following Monday.  He was still sore on Monday and you could really tell, but he never quit!

Damon jumping at district
Kyler jumping at district
Damon jumping in Childress
Kyler jumping in Childress
Oma, Nanny & Aunt Debbie watching in Childress
The district track meet was FREEZING, literally so cold!

First jump of 8th grade. He jumped really well considering how weak his legs were.

The boys had a cheering squad at the Childress track meet!

For not being able to jog for 3 months, we were really proud of him for getting out there!

Damon's first track meet and attempts at high jump. He was so happy!!

He's got great form!

Got the crowd in Childress cheering!

Damon at district!

110 Hurdles for Damon

300m Hurdles

110 at district

This was so funny watching Radley. He didn't want to be bored and watch the track meet, but it was freezing. So he decided to just use his thumb and kept the rest of this fingers in his gloves, haha!!

Friday, March 22, 2024

March Fun


Donuts with Dad.  She was so so excited to have Dad at school with her.
Radley made a huge project at school by building a giraffe.
That thing was huge, especially when he brought it home!
2nd grade
Hanging out with Acey

I chopped off about 14 inches of hair
Mackenzie got to have some fun at the carnival with her friend Presley during one of the boys' track meets.  She had a blast!!

Bentley and Emma had a fun sleepover after that same track meet.

Kyler spent his entire birthday out with cousins fishing.  Nana pulled together some ice cream sandwiches since we would be celebrating with friends later.

He's getting closer to me and Kenney!! It's crazy to think I'll soon have a kid taller than me.  Most moms don't have to wait as long as I have!!

The house is looking so good!!

CFM at our house and everyone came. These kids always love playing together.


She's got the moves!!

Jaylen found just the right balance when he sat on the hooverboard to make it move!

Nanny wanted to hear Kyler play the drums and he gladly obliged!

This is what I love to see out of the kitchen window!

There was a carnival in Childress during the junior high track meet and both Radley and Mackenzie's friends took them over there to have some fun!

Mackenzi's cute little dance with her carnival prize and then her talking about it was so cute!