Friday, August 2, 2024


 We got a pass to the WAV this summer once again, and the kids made sure we used it!! Mackenzie finally feels comfortable and confident in the water which is so nice!  She got brave towards the end of the summer and decided she was big enough and brave enough to go off the diving boards, down the slides, and through the obstacle course.

Her very first time on the diving board; she was so nervous!!

Made it all the way across!

First time on the high dive right after she got off the regular diving board. I wasn't sure if she would do it, but she thought it was fun!

This kid will try anything!

Radley and Mackenzie doing the rock wall together!

Let's try a backflip now!

She's getting a little more brave, but she doesn't quite know how to 'jump' off the diving board!

She gathered the courage to do the big slide!! She wasn't sure at first, but she did go on it a few times!

He had some diving board tricks!

He even had tricks on the high dive

Friday, July 26, 2024

Summer Life


These girls were always asking for a friend to play with!
Mackenzie getting ice cream with Presley
Delivering meals with the Barlows
Forgot I got this picture of Kyler jumping during the summer league games!
The forest service came to the library and the girls were able to use a fire hose!
Bentley got in on the action too!
Bentley came out and helped Dad clean up after the bricks had all been cleared away
Radley turned into the golden boy this summer!

Summer walks
Kids are so unaware and lucky sometimes!!

When we turned on the open ceremony for the Olympics, the girls went and put on workout clothes (complete with a sweatband) and danced around the living room.  It was pretty funny! 
Family walk on a Sunday afternoon

After getting back from Mexico things with the addition on the house really vamped up! Henry helped us take down all the brick. The boys and I moved all brick to the side of the yard and then cleaned it to stack it. It ended up being a couple week process but we finished it!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


After we left Mexico we headed to Arizona to see family and friends since we were so close. We stayed with the Hyde family again and loved spending time with them. The kids actually wanted us to go on a date with Alex and Tiffany! They really didn't have to beg, haha! We then went to go see my best friend from college, Kristen. I completely forgot to take a picture with her, but it was so good to see her! Then we went to see Grammie, Heidi, Al, Rob, Alexis, Ian, Rhoda, and Ammon. It was fun to see them and play in Rob's pool. The kids had a great time on the zip line again this time.
We saw it get up to 118!!! That's crazy hot!  It was over 100 by 10:00am
We drove from Mexico to AZ on 7/11 so naturally we had to stop and get a free Slurpee!!

I also didn't take many pictures with the Hyde's, but here are the girls eating some ice cream.

Right before we left we got them all together.


Heidi was made for taking selfies, haha!
She does much better when the camera is directly in front of her.
Radley climbing the latter to get the zip line
Mackenzie wouldn't go in without one of her brothers there to catch her.
Aunt Alexis and I
Uncle Rob, I don't remember being this much taller than him...
My cousin Ian
Heidi and the kids after church
She nailed the selfie!!
The kids with another of their great grandmothers.
We were all worn out after our travels!!
Like father, like son!
She sure has some good brothers, and she really trusts them!

The next goal was to drop into the tube; Bentley had no problem!

Then Mackenzie had to try. She did it, but she hurt herself trying.

The boys were not going to be left out of the fun! The big boys were too big for the zip line, but still found things to do!

One of Heidi's favorite pastimes! This makes her so happy! Watch her face

Monday, July 15, 2024

2024 Keys Family Music Videos



Mexico Family Pictures & Shopping


That's a lot of people
And a lot of grandkids
Original Keys
Mass exodus to the beach
Lining up the kids
Trying to get the littles in position
The adults running away
As good as it going to get!
The in-laws!!
How everyone really feels about family pictures!
Bentley was less than cooperative
Bentley's attitude continued!

The last night we played games as adults. The tortilla slap game was fun. I ended up winning most of the rock, paper, scissors so I was able to 'slap' him more. I especially got him really well one time!

Kenney thought this was hilarious and very necessary!
Mackenzie got this toy with her name carved in it.