Friday, August 30, 2024

Kyler 1st (and only) HS Scrimmage

 Kyler wasn't thrilled with football this year but was doing a great job.  He made it through two-a-days and was getting stronger and getting his speed back.  He played cornerback all through junior high but they decided to switch him to defensive end right before the first scrimmage.  He played great and did his job very effectively.  Everything was looking great until he called me from the field house to tell me he dislocated his kneecap again. NOOOOOOOOO!!  That was not a phone call I wanted to get, especially for a second time.  He was so incredibly disappointed.  Not only did he feel great physically, the worst part of football was over, and he was going to be able to play some games.  To make matters worse, the amazing orthopedic surgeon that was in Childress, literally moved the week before.  

I didn't want this football season to go unnoticed because even though it ended so quickly, he played GREAT, and Keyan and Kelli were there to support him which made him feel good too.  We were all sad to see his season end so quickly and tragically, but we're thankful for the videos and success he did have.

Seeing as this was the only time he touched the ball on offense, he did great. He finished the season with a 100% completion percentage!

He almost got there in time!

Got a great block!

Kept the ball inside

Stuck with it and made the tackle

Even though Kyler wasn't the one running the ball, it waw so good to see him run the field. Watch for those red shoes!!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

First day of School

 It seemed quick and rather slow for school to start again, but we entered the phase of at least one kid per campus as Kyler started high school this year!!  Mackenzie started all day school with kindergarten, and Radley started junior high.  Lots of changes happening around here.

First day of kinder with Mrs. Holton!!

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Damon's Birthday (and a little more)

 There are now 2 teenagers in our house!!  Damon is growing in all kinds of ways.  Physically he is getting taller and stronger and his voice is changing. He is also goofy and getting more laid back.  He definitely keeps a conversation going and helps to make situations less awkward. He's fun to be around and likes to have fun too.

No cake this year; he went for root beer floats again! It was also his last day without braces since he got them on the next day.
Yes, he still has plenty of personality!
He did really well after getting braces.  He said it wasn't too bad, but he definitely had to get a HUGE malt right after we left the office.

The footings has been poured and things are getting real around here!

One of Kenney's patients brought them the biggest cantaloupe we've ever seen!

It's seriously so big!!
It actually tasted pretty good too.
We all love these little boys and Jaylen is currently obsessed with Damon right now.  He always wants Damon to carry him around.
Love them both!!

He doesn't seem to mind being the center of attention.

Watching the Olympics with the kids this summer has been so fun! The boys really got into the men's basketball finals!

She really got into cleaning the church. I wonder if her outfit helped, hahaha!

Friday, August 2, 2024


 We got a pass to the WAV this summer once again, and the kids made sure we used it!! Mackenzie finally feels comfortable and confident in the water which is so nice!  She got brave towards the end of the summer and decided she was big enough and brave enough to go off the diving boards, down the slides, and through the obstacle course.

Her very first time on the diving board; she was so nervous!!

Made it all the way across!

First time on the high dive right after she got off the regular diving board. I wasn't sure if she would do it, but she thought it was fun!

This kid will try anything!

Radley and Mackenzie doing the rock wall together!

Let's try a backflip now!

She's getting a little more brave, but she doesn't quite know how to 'jump' off the diving board!

She gathered the courage to do the big slide!! She wasn't sure at first, but she did go on it a few times!

He had some diving board tricks!

He even had tricks on the high dive

Friday, July 26, 2024

Summer Life


These girls were always asking for a friend to play with!
Mackenzie getting ice cream with Presley
Delivering meals with the Barlows
Forgot I got this picture of Kyler jumping during the summer league games!
The forest service came to the library and the girls were able to use a fire hose!
Bentley got in on the action too!
Bentley came out and helped Dad clean up after the bricks had all been cleared away
Radley turned into the golden boy this summer!

Summer walks
Kids are so unaware and lucky sometimes!!

When we turned on the open ceremony for the Olympics, the girls went and put on workout clothes (complete with a sweatband) and danced around the living room.  It was pretty funny! 
Family walk on a Sunday afternoon

After getting back from Mexico things with the addition on the house really vamped up! Henry helped us take down all the brick. The boys and I moved all brick to the side of the yard and then cleaned it to stack it. It ended up being a couple week process but we finished it!!