For a couple days, Damon kept sticking his tongue out all day long. Then he was sucking on his bottom lip. Well a few fussy days later, two teeth all of a sudden appeared! Yeah I had no idea he was cutting teeth until they were already through his gums. Then I remembered him playing with his tongue, sucking on his lip and being fussy. Duh! I guess I didn't expect it so soon. Kyler was much slower in this department!
This picture describes exactly how Kyler feels when people touch him. He freezes and gets this look on his face. He doesn't know what to do and becomes completely uncomfortable. It's pretty funny. This is his cousin Tyce being super sweet and Kyler being Kyler!
One day we had some cousins come play and Damon loved it. There were 4 more boys running and playing for Damon to watch. Afton was so cute and came to play with Damon so he wouldn't be left out.
We have been pretty sick throughout the month of January. Poor Kyler has been throwing up and had matted eyes all month long. This also means that he is far more clingy that usual. Damon has pretty much caught everything Kyler has had, so he likes to be held also. Therefore, I have been in high demand. This is me trying to eat dinner one night. I was completely frustrated and Kenney thought it was comical. Of course neither of the boys wanted Daddy! I have always wanted cuddly boys, but it would be nice if they were happy and I could eat. We have found Kyler like this a few times since he moved out of the crib. I think this particular time he fell out of the bed and was too tired to get back in bed during his nap. Last night I went to check on him before I went to bed, and he was on the floor again! Silly boy.
Kenney thought Damon looked so funny wearing this hat on Sunday, but I thought he looked adorable! I love that smile!
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