It has been SO SO nice to have Daddy home with us during his break from school. I have probably enjoyed it the most, but the boys have had fun too. We have been able to do a lot more because I have help taking them places. The boys love going to the park or the science spectrum or (one of their favorite places) Sam's Club, or anywhere but home. I don't mind getting out, but it is getting harder and harder with this pregnancy due to the contractions I have been having. It's much easier with Daddy around because I don't have to do as much!! Here are some things that have been happening lately.
Flying a helicopter at the park |
The main reason I don't go to park alone right now is captured perfectly in this picture. If Damon sees any water he immediately takes off and runs straight for it, no matter if anyone follows him or not. |
I thought maybe he would care that we weren't exactly following him, but he just kept running. I did not zoom out at all in this picture. He just kept getting further and further away. |
If you look closely in this picture you can see how far he ran from the car to the water. It was a good 1/2 mile on those little 1 year old legs!! |
You may ask why he likes water so much. Well, all he wants to do is throw stuff in it! He would run across the country just to throw rocks or sticks in the water. Crazy child. |
Kyler made the journey over with us too! |
Doesn't he look so innocent? |
Splash, Spalsh. Can't be close to water without getting wet and dirty!! |
This was pretty funny. Kyler was trying to pick up a stick, but it was really a tree root. He could not understand why he couldn't pick it up. We tried to explain what it was, but the tree was a good 20 feet away, and Kyler did not quite understand what we were saying. |
Of course that rock went right over Damon's head. |
Speaking of Damon's head, this is what happens when you run straight into a bookshelf at the library! Damon was running into the library to go to storytime and was looking back at Kenney and I. He was obviously not watching where he was going and ran right into a shelf. He was too far in front of us so we couldn't stop it from happening. It was really sad. Kenney of course was laughing at him. I was amazed how fast it started to color and swell. Luckily a nice lady went and got a cold pack for us to use. I'm very glad Daddy was with us for this storytime. He at least got Damon to put the ice pack on long enough to stop some of the swelling. |
Kenney sent a picture to Papa and Papa Dude, and Kenney's dad said, "Maybe you need to put him in a football helmet ---but then no one else would be safe." How true that is!! |
Kyler practicing for his new brother that is coming. One of my friends needed someone to watch her little boy for a few hours, and Kyler wanted to help. I was surprised he wanted to hold the baby, but it only lasted about 30 seconds! |
Auntie Shandi sent a package with 400 Spiderman stickers and this is what Kyler decided to do with all 400 of them. I know that is the first thing I think to do when I get stickers too!! I am not sure what made him do it, but it was not quite as much fun taking the stickers off his legs as it was putting them on! |
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