Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Kenney and I have been trying to get in better shape in the last couple months.  Kenney has been much more successful than me.  However, with our apartment lease we get a free membership to a gym, and I recently found out that they have free daycare!!  I went an entire year without knowing I could workout and not have to do it around Kenney's schedule.  Plus, I get some 'me' time, but now I have run out of excuses to not exercise!  Radley's surgery messed up our schedule for about 2 weeks, but I am trying to make it 2-3 times a week.  I have been running on a treadmill for the first time ever, 2-2.5 miles.  Watching TV really helps!!  Damon does not like going to the gym because I have to leave him.  Every time we turn onto the street the and pull up to the gym Damon yells, "No exercising! No exercising!!"  There are a lot of things for him to do there; he just hates it when I leave.  The boys get plenty of exercise just playing everyday.  The grass field by our apartment is nice,  except for the dog poop.  We have been going out a lot with the nice weather to play golf, soccer and baseball. They also do 'exercises' with Kenney at home (jumping jacks, stretches, pushups, etc).  Kyler can officially do pushups.  Seriously, real pushups.  There is a video to prove it.  I am very impressed!!

Trying to score a goal against Daddy.

It takes two boys to block Daddy.

Kick it Damon!

The, not so lively, cheering squad! I watched my friend's little boy for two days, and he came out to play too.  It was super crazy at our house with 2 babies!

The boys like to do a big kick where they try and kick the ball super high in the air.  This is one of Kyler's attempts.  He just barely missed his head!!

Taking a break from running around.

Both of their little faces get so red when they get hot!

Bring on the golf swing.

Kyler swings so hard he almost falls down every time he swings.

Swing and a miss

Getting a lesson from the whole-in-one pro.  Kenney really has gotten a whole-in-one, while he was on his mission in England.

And this is the typical scene when the boys play 'together'

Kyler thinks he is too big to hit off the baseball T these days.  He likes Daddy to pitch it to him.

My cute little Damon

I think he might get a little bored with T-ball

Catching with a glove is much more difficult than hitting the ball!

Radley was getting tired of the stroller.  He wants to play with the big boys, but he was holding his hands very nicely

Damon is very particular about how and where he hits the ball.  He only lets Daddy pitch it to him, Kyler cannot, he has to hit from the sidewalk, and he swings twice per pitch!

 I am still amazed that at 3 1/2 Kyler can do real pushups. Kenney just learned in his human development class that between the ages of 4-5 kids can do about 5 pushups on their knees. Kyler doesn't even use his knees!

I love that Kenney plays so much with our boys, and they love it too!

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