Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Our Thankful Tree

We started a new November tradition this year (mostly because I was planning on having a baby by now, but have a little more time than expected). We made a Thankful Tree! The boys helped me draw and cut out leaves, and then for Family Home Evening we wrote what we are thankful for on the leaves. The boys had fun with it and asked for more leaves! They didn't even run out of things to write down once they caught on to what thankful meant!  When we first asked Radley (who really didn't understand at all) what he was thankful for, he looked at us very seriously and said, "Nothing."  We were able to convince him of a few things!  Hopefully we will be able to remember what Thanksgiving is about and not just skip over to Christmas!

Here is a list of some the things we wrote on our leaves:
  • Friends, cousins, food, markers, the couch, the iPad/TV, movies, pictures (Kyler)
  • People being nice to me, playing with friends, animals, playing in the leaves (Damon)
  • Brothers, toys (Radley) 
  • Our family, Jesus Christ (Mom)
  • Being able to see, touch, taste and hear; Heavenly Father's plan, our house, Mommy (Dad)
So easy to make!
They were proud of their work!
And because we have to have goofy faces too!!


  1. Super cute idea!!! I'm totally going to steal it :)

  2. Super cute idea!!! I'm totally going to steal it :)
