Friday, October 28, 2016

Pumpkin Carving

This pumpkin carving stuff is exhausting!! I can't believe how much effort it takes, but the kids have so much fun so we keep doing it year after year!! Radley didn't have much interest beyond picking his picture out and posing by it outside. Damon was much more involved than ever before. He cleaned them out and tried to help with the actual carving. Kyler helped a little with the carving, but mostly just poked out the pieces once they were cut out. Bentley wandered around and got into the trash while we were busy, but had fun doing her own thing. My fingers are crossed that next year Bentley will won't be too interested and we can get away with just doing 3 one more time!!

Damon and I hard at work cleaning out these pumpkins.  I was really proud of Damon for getting his hands dirty and sticking with it.  He almost did it by himself.
Proof he touched the nasty stuff!
Kyler getting his hands minimally dirty!
Bentley not so sure about this pumpkin stuff.
Can you tell it was bedtime and she was over this stuff?
Pretty happy with their (mostly Dad's) creations.
1st Halloween!
Radley's traditional jack-o-lantern, Damon's spider, and Kyler's scary face..
I wanted to buy this pumpkin when we bought the others, but I settled for a picture instead.
Sadly or funny enough, this is what Radley's pumpkin looked like after a few days because it has been so hot!
Damon's school pictures were much improved this year.  However, I still LOVE last year's picture!!
Radley still waves bye to everyone in the morning, and I love it when he runs out like this with just his underwear and a jacket!!  Haha, it's so funny to see him standing there with no pants on a chilly morning, and don't worry there are plenty of people driving by seeing it too!


  1. I still LOL at that school pic of Damon's from last year! Best ever!!!

  2. I still LOL at that school pic of Damon's from last year! Best ever!!!
