Monday, November 27, 2017

Thanksgiving Family Time

The best part about Thanksgiving was being with family. The kids had so much fun with cousins and playing outside. They are getting better about being excited for the food too which was really surprising. They all love pumpkin pie, and Kyler even liked the turkey!! I made stuffing with real bread and decided it didn't taste that much better than the box so it's probably not worth the effort!!

One night we had the Paynes and the Schades over for dinner which was fun.  Bentley loved Brock and climbed on his lap any time she could.  He was super sweet and read her books and everything.  She was quite the ham and showed her dancing moves to everyone.  Tyce spent the night and we sent Radley with Bruce which everyone seemed to enjoy.

The girls went on their annual Black Friday Walmart trip.  We got everything we wanted to get, so it was quite a success!  We've got the Childress Walmart thing down!!

Before everyone left, we had a fish fry at the lake house.  It was fun for a change of environment.  We watched a lot of football, making Damon extremely happy.

Radley stayed at Nana & Papa's house one night while we kept Tyce at our house.  He had a great time with Bruce and Carter.
He didn't even miss us!!
All the kids spent a lot of time in the sandbox because the weather was perfect!
The pies were few in number this year.
Black Friday with the girls!
We all had a great time at the lake house, and the sunset was beautiful.
The kids had a blast running around in the stickers!!
Why is the sky and the sun so much better with water around?!?

Nana found some wrapping paper rolls and then encouraged all the kids to attack dads and uncles. The kids loved it; the guys maybe not so much!

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