Friday, May 11, 2018

Kyler & Damon Baseball

Kyler and Damon both played machine pitch baseball this year. We were a little nervous about them hitting off the machine, but they did great. They had the kids take two pitches off the machine and then let them hit off a 'T' if they didn't get a hit. We really didn't like that rule because the kids got too complacent knowing they could always hit the ball off the 'T'. The kids just wanted to get on base rather than work harder to hit off the machine. It was kind of a bummer, but they did improve and had lots of fun. The weather was not so great with the horrible winds, but the kids didn't seem to mind! I didn't get many pictures of the boys playing, but I got a few.

Kyler in the front; Damon in the back.
Damon ready for a ball to head his way.
Kyler waiting on a ball.
It still won't come....
Stopped the ground ball!
Damon waiting on the pitch.
Nice hit!!
Kyler waiting to hit the ball out of the park.  He always wanted to hit the ball so hard.
Got on base!

Here are a few of Kyler and Damon's hits

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