Monday, December 17, 2018

Mackenzie Jade Keys

Everyone was waiting for this baby to get here. I didn't think it would happen early, but I also didn't think it would be a week late! I was prepared to send Kenney and my mom to all of the Christmas school functions because I thought I would be home snuggling a baby. However, I was able to attend all the activities except the class parties. On Monday the 10th, Dr Ridens said that I could go at anytime since I was at a 3 and almost completely softened. I really didn't want to be induced this time because I really really didn't want pitocin again!! Dr Ridens said if I didn't have to baby on my own by the 18th (the following Tuesday), she would induce me no matter what. She also said if I would like she would induce me on Friday the 14th.  I was determined to wait it out until I no longer had a choice!

By Friday, Oma had been here a week and we were all beyond ready for this baby to get here.  However, I didn't call the doctor.  At this point, I thought for sure I would have to be induced on the 18th.  But I was sitting in the rocking chair talking to my mom Friday evening around 5:30 while Kenney was outside with the boys raking leaves and about to play football when I thought I felt something wet.  I wasn't sure if my water actually broke, so I didn't say anything.  Then Oma went to put a pizza in the oven and I stood up.  Then a lot of fluid came out.  My water had broken!!!  Finally!  I went outside to tell Kenney, and he asked if we should go to the hospital.  Umm, yes we need to go to the hospital!!

We grabbed all the things we needed and a few things to snack on.  We decided to go through a drive through before heading to the hospital because we knew that I wouldn't get any food once we got there.  I had a few contractions but nothing particularly hard or consistent by the time we got to there.  Apparently that is unusual because the doctor and nurses were ready for a quick delivery once I arrived.  Once they got everything all set up, I still hadn't had any contractions, but I was dilated to a 4.  We convinced the doctor to give me time to start contracting regularly before she gave me pitocin.  She agreed and left me alone.

I was willing to do anything the nurse suggested to get my contractions going.  I bounced on a ball for about 45 mins, but it didn't seem to do anything.  Around 10:00 they checked me again and I was at a 5.  Kenney convinced the nurse that I was making progress, even though it was slow, and didn't need pitocin.  Thankfully, they agreed again.  By 12:30 my contractions were getting much closer together and much stronger.  By 1:30am I felt like I was on pitocin again because the contractions were super strong.  I was afraid before going into labor that my body wouldn't be strong enough to push a baby out without the help of pitocin, but I was convinced at this point my body was perfectly capable.  They called the doctor back because I was at a 9.  Thankfully I only had hard labor for about 1.5 hours before I had to push.  The baby wasn't dropping far enough for a while, but once the baby engaged, things progressed quickly.

I started pushing and it seemed so much harder this time.  After 3 hard contractions of pushing SHE finally came out face up with a head full of hair.  It was much harder to push her out because of the way she was facing (her head kept pushing back against my pelvic bone) , and I had a difficult time getting her out.  Thankfully I didn't push long, but it seemed like forever!  She came out crying weighing 7lbs 8 oz and 21 inches long.  She has long skinny hands and feet just like Kyler.  Her hair is impressive, even for our kids.  Hers is dark with lighter highlights and super thick, much more so than any of the other kids.

She was super alert and awake once they handed her to me.  She looked around for a while and then ate.  It seems like a super sweet and easy going little girl.  It took until they were discharging us from the hospital before we finally decided on a name.  We named her Mackenzie Jade Keys.  I wasn't sure about the name Mackenzie because I didn't want to name her after me.  I love the name Mackenzie but felt uncomfortable giving her one of my names.  I don't want her thinking it's because of me.  However, Kenney really likes the name and feels like it goes well with the rest of our family.  Ultimately, I consented and we have a little Mackenzie, and she is so very loved!


She already seemed so curious but calm. 

Not quite so sure about this earth stuff!

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