Kenney walked in for lunch one day and this was Bentley. Posing in swimsuit bottoms and boots!!
It has been so hard to get a good picture of both of them together.
Cleaning the chicken coop!!
Radley was so excited to use the gloves, a mask, and the scoop to clean out the chicken coop! It was funny until I realized he had gloves and a mask but no shoes!! So gross!
Showing me that she cleaned up the living room. Lately she has been cleaning things up all on her own! It has been great. She'll just randomly start picking up the entire living room. Most of the time she just puts everything on the couch (which I do because I put it in piles for everyone to put away), but she is doing it all on her own! It's great and makes both of us happy!
Damon had been asking for days if one of his friends could come over to play. I told him that was fine, but I needed to write a note to his mom because I had never talked to her before and couldn't contact her. This is the paper he brought me to write the note. It was so tiny!! As I was writing it, I wrote my phone number but didn't have enough room so I had to erase what I had written to write even smaller. Damon see me erase and says, "Good thing I brought you a pencil." Little punk!! I told him to put the note somewhere it wouldn't get lost, so he got a piece of tape and taped it to his clothes that he would be wearing the next day!! Weirdo, but it worked his friend was able to come play!
At lease one of them is kinda smiling.
She is seriously the sweetest baby. None of our other kids would just lay on us and snuggle just because. She lets us and wants us to just hold her like this. It's so nice!!
This is how Kenney and the boys entertain one another while I got get groceries.
Bentley was showing Kenney her ballet moves while I was in a meeting but realized she couldn't do the splits with her skirt on.
Well, she fixed her problem. Just take the shirt off!! Also if you listen closely you can hear Radley whisper to Kenney about Bentley almost hitting the other girl with her butt!!
Kenney's newest hobby and interest has been beekeeping. He went in together with his dad to get a beehive and bees. This last month he has been building his beehive and ordering bees and all the other tools he will need to be a beekeeper! It's been quite the ordeal, and he hasn't even gotten the bees yet!! 100+ videos later he's excited and educated about how to get us some honey!
She's loving her tongue these days, and I love it!!
Ugh, I can't get enough!!
Of course Bentley was not going to let us to these pictures without her!!
Almost a good picture of the girls.
All dressed up for church
Feeding the baby a bottle is a family affair.
They all want a turn to hold the bottle, probably because it doesn't happen very often.
Double yoke egg!
The biggest difference we have noticed between our eggs and eggs from the store is the coloring. Eggs from the store (on the left) are so much lighter in color. The eggs from our chickens (on the right) have a much richer yellow/orange color.
All snuggled up on Daddy. He has held her more than all of our other babies, but she is the easiest to hold. She just lays there peacefully and lets you hold her. None of our babies have ever snuggled and laid still while we held them. It's so sweet to have a cuddly baby!
These boys dancing, oh my goodness! Kyler grabbing his butt... I lose it! These are the kinds of videos they take when they get a hold of my phone.
She is really laughing now. This video doesn't do her laugh justice, but it is so cute!!
Again so close to her real laugh, but we didn't quite catch it. We have to keep trying!
These kids got super spoiled for Valentine's Day! They got 2 huge packages from Oma and Grandma that filled their treat bowl and had other fun things in it. That didn't even include the huge bags they brought home from school parties. Bentley took all the extra Valentines the boys weren't passing out to classmates to give to her 'friends' at church. She gave one to all the kids around her age and then the adults she knows like Mandi Tipa who teaches music and Papa. It was really cute watching her hand them out at the church dance activity. She also dances to every song that comes on. She loves to dance!!
A coworker of Kenney's gave each of the kids a bag full of Valentines, candy and these fun glasses!
Bentley and Radley testing them out.
We watched Baby Owen (who's not much of a baby anymore) on the 13th. He almost smiled when we put the glasses on him.
Not too impressed!
The sweetest baby ever!
Although you can't see the matching skirts, Oma made the girls cute pink tu-tu Valentine skirts!
Bentley got flowers from a boy delivered to our house! Baby Owen sent candy and roses, and Bentley was BEYOND excited. She was so happy they were for her!! She even tried to get Papa Dude to smell them through the phone!