She's loving her tongue these days, and I love it!!
Ugh, I can't get enough!!
Of course Bentley was not going to let us to these pictures without her!!
Almost a good picture of the girls.
All dressed up for church
Feeding the baby a bottle is a family affair.
They all want a turn to hold the bottle, probably because it doesn't happen very often.
Double yoke egg!
The biggest difference we have noticed between our eggs and eggs from the store is the coloring. Eggs from the store (on the left) are so much lighter in color. The eggs from our chickens (on the right) have a much richer yellow/orange color.
All snuggled up on Daddy. He has held her more than all of our other babies, but she is the easiest to hold. She just lays there peacefully and lets you hold her. None of our babies have ever snuggled and laid still while we held them. It's so sweet to have a cuddly baby!
These boys dancing, oh my goodness! Kyler grabbing his butt... I lose it! These are the kinds of videos they take when they get a hold of my phone.
She is really laughing now. This video doesn't do her laugh justice, but it is so cute!!
Again so close to her real laugh, but we didn't quite catch it. We have to keep trying!
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