Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Elementary & Pre-K Track Meets

 Radley's last elementary track meet.  It went super well for him, and he loved it like always!  Bentley does super well also but doesn't quite love it as much.  Mackenzie was really excited for her track meet and loved every second, especially the water balloons.

Bentley 2nd Grade

Aspen, Jessica, Jenna, & Bentley
Bentley's 40yd Dash

Long jump

She's quick when she wants to be

She throws the least like a girl in her class.

Radley 5th Grade

Radley asked if he could jump over the hurdle rather than under it because he thought he would be able to do it faster (can you tell he has older siblings??).  However, I think he was right!!

40yd Dash

He doesn't seem to have much competition.

I think he just wanted to get sandy, haha!

This is the only event he got 2nd in.

Kenney loved watching his head bob up and down through the bounce house.

Mackenzie Pre-K

She had such a fun teacher this year!
Presley, Kenleigh, & Mackenzie
All of Pre-K
Nana came to watch Mackenzie
Papa Dude and Oma were there too!
Oh and me too!  Dad was there also, but he had to get back to work.

She smashed all these events!

Run girl, run!!

No problem with those obstacles!

She threw that ball right at me!!

Not quite sure what she was doing here...

This was her favorite part of the day!

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