Sunday, July 14, 2024

Mexico Part IV

 The sunsets were amazing and beautiful. Damon and Luke took my phone and had fun taking pictures are sunset.  Some of them were really good.  Keyan and Kelli did a great job of entertaining everyone.  Karaoke night was so much fun, more fun than I expected.  All the kids took turns and had a blast! 

Karaoke was a huge hit!! 

Bentley did a lot of boogie boarding too!
She loved playing with dad.
Pickleball court
Kenney caught a huge scorpion in the girls' room.  Luckily none of the girls were hurt.
Love baby Jayden!

These girls loved the waves

The boogie boarding wasn't great, but they kept trying and having fun doing it.

Kyler was cracking me up! I didn't know he would come out of his shell this much with everyone around.

Radley sang with Bruce and Asher, shocking right?!?

I never would have guessed Mackenzie would get up there, but Gentry helped her and it worked!

I never heard this song before, but the boys and Keyan all seemed to know it!

The funniest act of the night!!

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