Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Our House Part 2

The inside is almost done!! We can't wait until it is officially finished. Kenney will be able to breath much better and not constantly feel like he needs to be working on something. We have been able to get most of it done pretty quick, but at times it seems like all the little things take FOREVER!! A lot of the before pictures are blurry. Sorry, I didn't realize that as I was taking them. No going back now!!

Kenney is most proud of our laundry room. He feels like it went through the biggest change. I wish I had taken better before pictures, but he actually fixed a big hole in the wall where the room was actually separating itself from the rest of the house!! He did a great job as usual. We painted every wall in this room too, boring white, but fresh and clean.

Laundry Room Before

Kenney jokes that they left us a washer!! Yes, it was extremely disgusting.

There was a leak in the pipes to go along with the detaching room. If you follow the corner you can see where it starts to detach. I didn't take a picture of the big hole. Sorry.


Much Cleaner!!

The hole is no more

Our dining room had some lovely stripes across the whole room. The floor also had a very strange half-circle thing going on. We were never able to understand why it was like that. The ceiling in here was blue so we painted everything in here too. The floor is still a work in progress because we have had a lot of issues. Hopefully soon we will have one floor pattern instead of two.

Dining Room Before

Sorry it's so blurry.

Dining Room After

Our green is a little brighter than I expected, but I love it now. I was going for more of a sage green to transition from the earth tones in the living room, oh well!!

I forgot we still had tape from painting the counters. The kitchen will be getting painted counters soon.

Our room had the least transformation. We had painted the living room, dining room, Kyler's room, the kitchen, and the cabinets by the time it came to our room. We were sick of it and decided to just move in. We did scrape off the nasty popcorn ceiling texture and painted the ceiling. We didn't have the energy to paint the paneling. It was not nearly as offensive as the living room so we haven't done it and I don't know if we will.

Bedroom Before

This dark but it's the back wall

The corner shelves from the living room continued in the bedroom!!

Bedroom After

Our bedroom set was given to us as well as everything else. I have never seen furniture this color, but I really like it.


  1. Ya'lls house looks so great! I know ya'll have worked really hard but it has really paid off!

  2. What a transformation. I can't wait to see it in person!! What an accomplishment!!

  3. Hey! The house is still looking good. Did you ever get that door in the laundry room figured out? I'll e-mail you the pictures as soon as I can.
