I have decided that toys are WAY over-rated. How many kids actually play with toys?? Most of the kids I have babysat and now my own child prefer to play with other things. Kyler would rather play with a milk jug, bugs,TV remotes, cell phones or the toilet than his real toys. Who needs Christmas toys when you have trash?!?
Kyler is defiantly mobile and is everywhere. He is finally learning to sit himself down once he stands up. His two little front teeth are also becoming much more noticeable. He eats like a monster now. He eats 'real' food 6 times a day on top of his milk. He absolutely refuses to nurse so he gets a bottle that we have to force down his throat 2 times a day. He looks a little more chunky to us, but he is not what anyone would call chubby!! Every time we go into public someone will, without a doubt, call him a girl. "She's so pretty" "Look at her pretty blue eyes" What do have I have to do to get people to understand that he is a BOY!! Goodness. What can we say, he is a handsome baby!!
Believe it or not, those legs are much more full than they used to be!
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