Friday, July 6, 2018

4th of July

We didn't have the most exciting 4th of July, but we sure we busy (at least the adults were). Kenney had to work that morning while I finished prepping the boys room for painting.  That evening we drove in to Childress so eat burgers and watermelon with the family and watched fireworks from Kevin's house.  The fireworks were the best I have ever seen in Childress.  The finale was impressive! 
Our 4 little firecrackers!!
I don't quite understand the pose they were going for, but this is what they wanted.
Just a slightly more normal position.
Chesse!!  She was excited to wear this dress that Oma made for her.
Couldn't make the drive without a few zzzzz's
Phones do not provide the best photos for fireworks, but the sunset with the fireworks was pretty.
Hanging with Uncle Kaden waiting for the show to begin.

Playing with the strobe light fireworks making me super nervous but lovin it!

The Project

I've been wanting to paint the back bedroom since we moved in, but it was the least offensive color in the house and wasn't a priority.  However, the boys have all wanted to move Kyler back there so we thought it would be best to paint before moving more things into the room.  We got the room finished and ready by the end of the week.

Sorry for all the stuff in the room, but it took enough effort to move everything just to middle I wasn't about to move it out just for some pictures!!
The pinkish brown color is about to be gone.

Here's the grey color on the wall and the Batman stickers I added to one wall.  I sent this picture to Kenney because I wanted to check spacing before I took off the plastic covering of stickers.  I haven't taken one since, but you get the idea.  And yes the spacing isn't perfect, but it's close enough for me!!

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