Sunday, July 22, 2018

Missouri Part III

St. Charles has some great city parks and pools. Last summer some of them were remodeled so we got to go to the new ones this summer. We picked a nice sunny, but not blistering hot/humid day to go. It was perfect. We also were able to swim at Gene (their neighbor's) pool too. I didn't take any pictures there, but Gene is always so great to let the kids swim.

The pool was packed when we first got there because there was a summer camp of kids and a group of special needs adolescents there.  All the special needs teens had a young adult paired up with them to help watch over them.  It was awesome to see so many 'millennials' choosing to help those kids, and they were so patient and loving with those kids!  However the pool really emptied out once they all left.
The only slides Bentley and Radley were allowed to go on were in the kid zone, but they had a great time!
Walking about with Mom.
She thought she was pretty cool.
There were these water guns surrounding the kid area and Bentley kept shooting Oma.  Oma thought it was Kenney shooting her, but it was Bentley the whole time.  She didn't need any help aiming the gun.  It was hilarious.  She would track Oma and just kept shooting her.  I was laughing and didn't have my camera on me to take a picture, but it was funny!
Waiting to go down the slide.
She became independent really quick.  She had no problem climbing up and getting in line for the slide.  Sometimes the bigger kids would just cut right in front of her, but she kept going back for more.
I didn't have a video camera on me, but Radley had some sweet moves while waiting his turn!
Lovin' the water.
Kyler and his goggles, haha!

She really did love this slide.
Papa Dude and Kenney had fun going down the bigger slides with the boys (and without the boys).
She didn't let anything slow her down.
The slide Kyler and Damon liked best.  It was actually open the entire time we were there too because no one pooped in that water.
Damon was all over the place, and I didn't get any good pictures of him.  I tried catching him come down the slide, but never got a good one.  He really likes water slides now that he's big enough to ride them!
Getting ready for the pool.

Bentley and Radley went down this slide too many times to count.

You never knew which way Bentley was going to come out of the slide, but it never phased her when she went all the way under! She would just hop right up, climb over the side, and go right back up the stairs to go down again.

Papa Dude took a cool video going down one of the slides. If you look at the end you can see Damon getting out after going down too.

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