Friday, April 19, 2013

Kid Workshops

These boys love to get out and do things, but it is getting harder and more exhausting for me as time passes!  One thing the boys really like to do is going to the kid workshops at Home Depot and Lowes.  They love using a hammer and nails and building things.  It is quite nerve racking for me with Damon swinging a hammer around, but he thinks he can do anything and everything that Kyler does.  Luckily, Daddy gets to go with us and help out, so I am not trying to control 2 little boys with dangerous hammers!!  I have not brought the camera to the activity with me because I am worried for the safety of the camera.  This particular week the boys built planter boxes, and they happened to be handing out a package of seeds at the door.  We are still waiting for sprouts, but with the crazy weather around here there is no telling if we will actually get any!


The boys planting tomato seeds with Daddy

Kyler was pretty excited about his plants.  He asks me every day if they have grown.  He doesn't have great patience for gardening.

Poking the holes to put the seeds

Damon will not be left out of anything.  He had to get some seeds too!

He didn't quite grasp the concept that the seeds went in the holes.

This is very serious business!!

And this is the best picture of the two of them with their plants.

This is how we eat Nerds at our house.  Why waste energy using your hands to put them in your mouth when you can just lick them off the table?!?

Unfortunately, Damon does this with more than just Nerds!

The boys' new favorite place to hang out.  They like to turn the lights on and off from here.

What are they going to teach their new brother?  I am very scared!!

We didn't get Oma's Easter package in time for Easter, but the boys looked super cute in their Easter outfits.  It is pretty much useless trying to get a good picture of the two of them.

Kyler's cheesy smile

Oh silly boys!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Dress Up

Things around our house just continue to become more and more active.  I have a feeling this will continue for a few more years, especially since more boys keep joining us!! However, I did not anticipate there would be so much dressing up.  Growing with mostly girls around there were always dress up clothes and accessories around.  I never realized boys liked to do it too, just with different stuff.  We have capes, shields, belts, masks, etc rather than necklaces, crowns and gowns.  Every day when Kyler is getting dressed he says, "Mom put my dress on."  He gets confused between getting dressed and putting clothes on, so he says "put my dress on."  Damon just fights it all together!  Kyler is very into superheros these days, and all the boys take turns being different heroes.  He will say, "I am Captain America; Daddy is Thor; Damon is Ironman."  He then proceeds to 'hit' someone, throw a shield at them or shoot them with a web or gun.  I usually get left out of this process; I guess I'm not cool enough or he he has not made the connection that there are girl superheros too.

It is much more fun to jump off the couch dressed as Batman!

"Look Mom, I fly like Batman!"

Usually there is no clothing besides underwear and capes

Someone gave us this mask, and he LOVES it!

He had to showoff his muscles.

This is the location Damon has chosen to jump off the couch.  I have tried and tried to convince him that he will get hurt less if he jumps off closer to the edge, but what do I know?  I am just the person that has to take him to the ER when his plans fail!! 

I told them to hug and they actually did!  Good thing I had the camera out!

And of course the hug turned into wrestling!

Damon always wants to continue wrestling, and Kyler is done pretty quick

Damon gets the bad guys too
I have been going through the boys stuff to try and make room for baby stuff and found these hats.  The boys wanted to wear them so naturally Damon wore the hat, but no clothes.

Kyler found some gloves too!

Our boys have already become accustomed to having some sort of sporting event on our TV, but they have really gotten into watching basketball with the NCAA Tournament. They get pretty excited watching the players dribble and shoot the ball. Kyler is even picking teams now. I guess the game kind of slowed down during the part I was filming, but they were both jumping up and down and yelling at the TV. It was pretty funny! 

**As a side note to this post, I get my children dressed in 'real' clothes everyday!!!  For some reason I cannot get them to stay in their clothes, but they do have clothes, and they are forced to wear them in public.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter Weekend

Weird as it may seem, Childress has become our 'vacation' spot lately. There are several reasons for this: family, it's close, and there is SPACE for the boys to run inside and out!!  I never realized how much room little boys need until we had none!  The boys love going to Nana and Papa's house, and this Easter we decided it was an even better place to go because cousins would be there!  Kyler and his cousin Tyce have an absolute blast together.  They play every second they are awake.  It is so nice how well they get along and how well they entertain each other.  Damon had fun too because he got to be outside.  The boys were outside for almost 3 days straight!

Kyler had such a fun time on the trampoline.  He was coming up with new tricks all the time.

It is incredibly difficult to get a good picture of these kids!

Damon was finally starting to jump and play with the other kids on the trampoline this trip.  He had a lot of fun too!

Believe it or not, this is not supposed to be a 'silly' face picture.

It's always fun when Papa starts to play too!

It didn't take long for Damon to start climbing on Papa and getting in on the action.

My great photography skills!!  Could I have picked a worse time to snap the picture? haha

Kyler played so hard the entire time we where there and had had enough by this point!  Everyone except Kyler was having fun.

The first egg hunt did not go so well for DamonHe was so interested in the candy that he forgot to pick up the eggs!!

Kyler showing off his goods!

Sweet Boy


Playing in the dirt.

These boys were running everywhere they went.

They don't look to thrilled, but they were enjoying themseleves too.

Bucket? Easter Basket? Hat? Who knew it had so many functions?!?

The Easter Bunny left the boys some Batman action figures which they ablsolutely loved and had to show us how they fly.

By the second hunt, Damon at least picked up 6 eggs before he got too distracted

Egg hunting is serious business

He couldn't even wait until we got back inside to open the eggs!

This was round 2 of the same hunt.  He was showing Daddy everything he got.  The best is him trying to say chocolate!!