Friday, June 24, 2011

Fun at the Lake

It has been super super hot here so far this summer. Last weekend we really wanted to get in some water! We were able to go to the lake with Kenney parent's and some of his siblings. We have been excited to see what Kyler would do submerged in water because he doesn't remember last year. Kyler didn't disappoint!

By the time we got to the lake, it was late but plenty hot (only about 109). Needless to say, we were ready to cool down! Surprisingly the water was cold, probably because they have been draining the lake. The cold didn't stop Kyler like it stopped Kenney. Kyler got in much faster than Kenney. Finally Kenney just dove in and got his suffering over with to play with Kyler.

Kyler loved it! He was shaking in the water but so happy! Kenney and I started to feel bad for him because he was shaking so bad and took him out. He sat in a towel for a few minutes and then started playing with the sand. Uncle Kaden played with him for a little while and they had fun. After the lake we stopped for some ice cream. I think all of Kyler's dreams came true. Water and Ice Cream!! What more would this kid want? It was worth the long night just to see how happy it made Kyler.

Kenney's face cracks me up in this picture!

Lovin' the Water

I thought this was cute of Kaden and Kyler

Kyler didn't know what to think of the boat ride. He never smiled or cried; he just kept his very serious analytical look on his face the whole time. Papa even let him drive, but he never cracked.

Slowly recovering from the ride

Friday, June 17, 2011

What is this wet stuff?

As many of you know, we are going through a horrible drought here in Texas. They have made a new category of drought, beyond extreme, to place our current situation. Kyler loves water and has never really gotten to play in the rain or really feel it much. We finally had a storm blow through last week that brought a little rain with some thunder and lightning. We took Kyler out there when it started to rain to see what he would do. Sorry the video is dark and windy sounding, but you get the idea. We would have kept him out there longer, but it really started to blow and was not particularly safe! We were all really excited for some rain. Hopefully soon Kyler will be able to play in some better rain!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Who Does He Look Like?

As many of you know, I have to go to Lubbock to see a high risk OB and a hematologist. I hate making this trip, but one benefit is that I get to see Baby #2's face when I go. The OB does an ultrasound every time I see him to make sure the baby is doing ok. This week they got some really cute pictures.

I asked the ultrasound tech if she sees any differences in the babies she looks at everyday. She said that more and more she sees differences. She especially notices when she knows the siblings of the baby. I don't see much of Kyler in him, but we'll see soon!

I love this precious little foot!

This looks like a really ugly picture, but this was the end of a smile that she caught. It was really fun to see him smile! You can see the crease of his cheek.

10 weeks (hopefully less) and we will really get to see his cute little face! She also confirmed it's a boy. I don't think there is any doubt. All 4 techs has been 90-100% sure that we are having a boy!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Our 1st Garden

So we have decided that our timing for most things lately has not been very good. We bought our first house during record low winter temperatures, causing pipes to burst; I will be pregnant through the entire summer of 100 degree heat, and we decided to plant a garden during the worst drought in Texas history! However, we do have plants growing as well as a growing water bill!!

We are new gardeners and do not have any experience so we bought seeds that said 'guaranteed to grow.' In February we started a small compost pile and by the end of March there were seeds in the ground. (Yeah we should have started the compost sooner). Then there was a lot of waiting and thinking we had failed.

Kenney asked me where we should put the garden, and I told him in the corner of our yard. Well, he said that is where our best grass is and wanted to put it right in the middle of the yard. Since Kenney does 99% of the outside stuff I let him decide, and yep, it's in the middle!

Well, the seeds were true to their packaging. We have at least one of every plant growing! We have peas, green beans, corn, cantaloupe, 3 different onions, okra, brussel sprouts, 2 different tomatoes, jalapenos, serrano peppers, bell peppers, pumpkins, carrots, yellow squash, zucchini and a few herbs. We didn't know what would grow so we tried a little of everything!

Not too bad for our first garden!

Kyler likes the garden too because it makes both Mom and Dad stay outside longer. He also gets to play in the dirt more. We are still trying to teach him what a weed is and not to pull out our vegetables. So far we have not been very successful. Although, the best part for Kyler is the water!

Things change every day. These pictures were taken last week, but everything is bigger now.