Friday, September 23, 2011


I finally got a cute picture of both my boys! I think Kyler is adorable in this picture and Damon doesn't look half bad either. I was proud of myself, considering I did this alone. Kyler is warming up to Damon very slowly. He knows that we do not leave the house without his little brother, and he's getting used to feedings and the crying. He even gives Damon a kiss every night before bed.

I have even been successful having a baby on the path to "chubbyness". I know it might not look like much to most people, but it is far more than Kyler ever had. Damon is getting more chubby everyday because he actually eats. Imagine such a concept. Kyler is still working on that one!

Damon found a comfortable place on Daddy!

I think my kids have more shirts about their aunts than their mom. Something is wrong with this...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Family Fun

Back in July, some of Kyler's cousin's that he played with almost everyday, moved to South Texas. Last week they came up for a visit. Kyler had so much fun playing with someone his size. Brek loved Baby Damon and wanted to help feed him and give him Skittles!! We were sad they had to leave, but loved having them here!!

Kyler and Brek
(He doesn't really liked to be touched, but don't let him fool you he had lots of fun)

Tyce and Kyler both love balls and especially footballs lately. This is a cute video of Tyce and Kyler throwing the ball to each other. Tyce was cracking us up!!

Here are some still shots of Tyce. He was too funny!

Kenney's favorite. Tyce was so into it!

The best brother picture I have been able to get, sad huh? Kyler's does not look one bit happy and Damon is blowing bubbles. We've got to work on this!

Poor Damon is not a very happy baby. I think he has tummy problems and major sleeping issues, but we love him none-the-less. This video is one of his 20 minutes of happiness during the day. I had to take advantage and film my cute little baby.

My goofy Kyler. He wore this lei for about 2 hours that day.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Last Lake Trip

A labor-free day at the lake on our Labor Day. NOT!! Going anywhere with kids involves labor. We decided to go to the lake one last time with Kenney's family this past weekend because we knew Kyler would have a blast. We were not disappointed because he did have tons of fun, but there was not much playing in the water. It was the first nice weekend all summer long, making it pleasant to be outside. Although, it was not hot enough to make the water temperature feel comfortable. Kyler nor Kenney got in the water. I had no intentions on getting in the water, but Kenney didn't even go on the boat. He is the biggest wimp when it comes to cold water, and Kyler seems to follow suit! Kyler did have a great time playing in the sand and eating as many treats as he could find!!

Our days of 'real' smiles are over for a while. Now he has to make weird faces when the camera comes out.

And the weird faces continue...
Apparently it is fun to dump sand all over yourself because that is exactly what Kyler did. Don't worry, he ate plenty of it too. Anytime he dropped food, he would just pick it right back up, all covered in sand, and put it in his mouth. Yum!

Once Damon feel asleep, he loved the lake! Don't let him fool you, he only sleeps this well when the sun is up. Those dark little eyes make their appearance every morning around 3am. Luckily for me the night after we went to the lake, we was awake from 3-6am!!

He's so tired he can't even suck on a pacifier!

He didn't even know it came out

Kyler after one of the many times I had to feed Damon. We had to find something to distract him or who knows what my house would look like.

Oh how true his shirt is...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

It's Only Been 3 Weeks?!?

Well tomorrow it will be 3 weeks since our lives have turned upside down, again. Neither Kenney nor I can believe it has only been 3 weeks! It seems so much longer than that, both in a good and bad way!! Only bad because we are both exhausted. Damon keeps us both up at night. Kenney now understands what it's like to have a newborn. Kyler never woke him up, and Damon makes too much noise for Kenney to sleep.

Here is proof that Damon does have his eyes open every once in a while. He has been awake a lot more during the day lately.

This is his poopy face. He puckers his lips when he poops; it's pretty funny. The angle on this picture makes his nose look huge!!

I refuse to say which of his 30 or so Aunts is the Best, but I think they are all pretty amazing!!

Kyler when he gets to feed himself a spoonful of peanut butter. Why do I even try to keep a clean house? It's not worth the effort!

In our last post there was a video of Kyler walking around with his pants at his ankles. Well, he continues to pull his pants down and never puts them back on. This is what happens when Dad puts them on. What's really pathetic is that those shorts are 6-9month shorts. Crazy, huh? In Kyler's defense, they are getting a little small and that brand runs big, but still, he's almost 18 months!