Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Saying Goodbye to Kacy

Kenney's baby sister graduated this year and headed to Hawaii!! We are so excited for her, extremely jealous she's in Hawaii, and miss her already! We had a family dinner the night before she left and took a few pictures, none of which are very good, but you get the point!
I don't know why we even attempt these pictures; they NEVER turn out!
These kids all love their Kacy Bug!
Me too!
Kacy and her brothers, except one.
Hanging out at the library.
I said jump on 3 and this is the picture I get!

Friday, August 25, 2017

Solar Eclipse & More

Without any filter the sun didn't look that much different.
It was amazing how much of the sun was covered once we had glasses and could see it better.
Kenney said, "It looks like the moon."  Mr. wasn't overly impressed with the eclipse! 
It was a pretty cloudy day so we were glad the clouds cleared up for a little while.
The lighting outside was really different, but looking at the sky you couldn't tell why.  It was funny now much different it looked with the glasses. 
Bentley got some new bows and wanted to wear all of them at once!

So serious when she watches Tangled and Moana.
If you zoom in on this picture you can see how much hair Radley has on his arms and legs.  It's crazy he has so much.  It actually get tangled!!
Dressing up with Avery and Gentry

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

First Day of School

We now have a 2nd grader, 1st grader, and one in Pre-K!! That's insane! I still can't believe all the boys are going to school. Our bank account can feel it though; $80 later in school supplies was a hit! That didn't even include clothes or shoes, just pencils, folders, etc!! The boys were all excited and ready for school. I thought the newness wouldn't last, but they have done really well. I think this will be a good school year for all of us.

Gotta love that 'natural' smile!
He was super excited to start 1st grade!
First Day of School!!! First Day of School!!
I'm not sure who's more excited, me or them??
Bentley thinks she's going to school too.

How did he get so big??  I actually shed one lonely tear for this guy (one more than I did for both Kyler and Damon).  He's always so happy and easy going.  I love have him around.
This is how she feels about being left out!  She wants to go too!

Monday, August 14, 2017

Damon's 6th Birthday

It seemed like Damon's birthday crept up on us this year with our busy summer. He's been so excited for it! Damon is so full of life. Everything he does is 110%; if he's happy and excited he's super happy and excited. The same for the other extreme of anger and sadness. It's amazing his little body can handle such emotion. I still can't get over how protective and attentive he is with Bentley. He truly loves that little girl. His passion in life is to play football. He cannot get enough. He is the biggest momma's boy and needs a hug, kiss, and tickles before he can go to bed. He is reading so much better and is gaining confidence at school. He keeps us on our toes because we never know what to expect from him, but we all love that ball of energy!




He finally got his own fishing pole!



Saturday, August 12, 2017


We didn't make it to the WAV  (the little water park/pool here in Wellington) until the last weekend it was open. Thankfully, Kenney was able to go with us too. It was much less stressful than last year because at least half of our kids can swim now!

Radley and Damon
Damon and Kyler
Holding hands like they used to!

She spent half her time wrapped in a towel, crazy girl; it wasn't even cold.
Skinny boy!

Damon doing to lillypads.

Bentley had a lot of fun getting Daddy wet. Radley joined in too!

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Having Fun with Oma & Papa Dude (Part II)

The fun continued around the house and at the zoo.

Louie was not their friend the first day, but it didn't take long.
Always helping in the kitchen.
Radley loves the dishes too!

Random zoo picture with the zebras (the other zoo pictures are later)
They all loved Papa Dude's soda.

Considering this kid was hiding upstairs whenever Louie was in the house the first day we were there, this is nothing short of a miracle.

This girl loved the cat.  She even got scratched and kept coming back.

The rope swing was a popular toy.

One day they spent hours playing horseshoes.
Radley was the most inconsistent player.  He won one game and the next he got skunked.  He was so proud of himself saying, "I am the champion and the skunk!" 

Of course there were some unhappy times too.
The first thing the boys told us when we got home was that they got 5 slurpees!  They loved the treats Oma would get them!
Fun at the zoo
Emma and Zadi were troopers too!
There's that Pierce posture!!
A boy and a dog!
This girl had way too much fun!

Radley getting dizzy on the rope swing.