Saturday, October 31, 2020


Bentley really wanted to be Belle for Halloween this year, and we wanted to do something that would embrace Mackenzie's lost tooth. We thought we could either do Princess and the Frog and make Mackenzie the firefly or she could be Chip. All the kids agreed to do Beauty and the Beast. Radley (because he was the hairiest) thought he should be the Beast. Kyler wanted to be Lumiere. We tried to talk Damon into being Gaston, because we thought he would make a good Gaston. He couldn't stand the thought of being a bad guy, so he went with Cogsworth. Oma, with some help from Papa Dude, did some of her BEST work! The costumes turned out amazing! I was so impressed. I'm not sure how many more years we'll get the kids to do a theme, so we are living it up while we can! 

We didn't have as many activities to go to this year because of COVID. However, they were still able to go trick or treating. They had a great time and got SO MUCH CANDY! It was a great day!

The cast of Beauty and the Beast
Damon as Cogsworth and Kyler as Lumiere
The cutest Beast in Radley and the perfect Belle in Bentley.
And Mackenzie as Chip!
Did take her long to figure out how to get candy!
Trying to get a picture of her 'chip'


All dressed and ready to go!

Trick or treating downtown.  They even happened to play a Beauty and the Beast song!

The most well mannered and loudest trick or treater out there!  When she did go to the doors she made sure to wave and say goodbye to everyone and told them thank you too.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Carving Pumpkins

Keyan and Kelli came to our house to carve pumpkins with us this year.  It was a lot of fun!  We always love it when they come over.  The 4 big kids each got a pumpkin that we helped them clean out and carve the design they picked.  I think everyone was pretty happy with their designs.  
Bentley's face, hahaha!
Bentley had the bat, Damon the weird eyes, Radley a Frankenstein, and Kyler the BIG eyes!!

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Carlsbad Caverns

COVID has allowed all of Kenney's PDO add up quickly because our vacation plans have been cancelled and he hasn't been able to take the time off. He has been wanting to take the boys camping and decided a trip to Carlsbad Caverns would be fun. We also thought taking the girls was probably not the best idea. With all of the restrictions and things they were unable to camp but enjoyed being able to stay in a hotel. Nothing in the year 2020 would be complete without masks, so they had to wear masks. They all had a great time and enjoyed the trip. The boys mostly talked about the snacks and treats that Dad bought for them.




Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Girls

She's not quite as innocent as the picture may appear

Pretty sure they look like sisters, but they also look like their own person.  But they look much more related than I ever have with any of my sisters!!
Live side by side.  They still look like sisters!


Kyler had a random basketball game, in which he played really well, and Mackenzie was cheering him on.  I tried to get a video but of course she stopped before I could get a good video.  This is the best I got.

Mackenzie's favorite times of day are when Dad comes home for lunch and after work at the end of the day.  One day at lunch he was late, and we couldn't find him.  This is a video of her looking all over for him.

One day when he came home for lunch, he was able to scare her.  It was the highlight of her day!

The one day we have been to church since COVID stuff began, we had to wait for Kenney to do some business.  The kids found a caterpillar while we were waiting.

Bentley saying, "Dad, a little help here..."  Hahahaha!!

This girl lives life on the edge in so many ways!