Friday, March 26, 2010

A Different Life

Life has officially changed! I have learned how to function on less sleep than ever before. As tired as we both feel, it is amazing that this little guy means so much to us both, and we would not take it back.

This is a video from the hospital of Kyler snoring. You might have to turn up the volume, but you should be able to hear a little snore. He doesn't do it so much anymore. It was really cute!

Yes, we are a family of 3!! Crazy. For our first official family photo (where I look at least half alive, compared to the last one) he is almost looking at the camera.

All clean from his bath. The bath may have been traumatic, but you could never tell by this picture. I saved him from the horrible event so he is looking at me like his hero. That won't last for long! I'd like to think he knows who I am.

This is how he felt after he got circumcised. Well, actually this picture was taken a few days after he came home. He really isn't mad; he's just yawning.

This video clip is of Kyler waking up. He always growls and grunts when he is forced to do something he doesn't like i.e. getting dressed or undressed, having his diaper changed, not being able to eat quickly enough, being forced to wake up, etc. He does shriek like a girl sometimes too. It is pretty funny.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Kyler Dude Keys

Baby Keys is here!! Kyler arrived at 12:04am, Friday March 12, 2010 weighing 7lbs. 6oz and 20.5 inches long. He was much smaller than anyone expected. Kenney said about 4 weeks ago that he was going to come on March 12th. He was right!

I went to the hospital on Thursday morning and started the induction process. At 8:30pm the doctor broke my water expecting the baby to come between 5am-8am the next morning. Kyler decided to come a little sooner than that. Around 11:30pm I asked for something to help with the pain (aka epidural). No such luck. I did get some meds to help me relax and found out I was dilated to a 4. At 11:45pm I had a really horrible, no good, very bad contraction and wanted to push. The nurse came back and said she would check me again. Well, the nurse was surprised and called for the doctor because I was already a 10!! The doctor got there in 5 mins, thank goodness! He tried really hard to come before 12am, but I held off pushing because the doctor said it was only going to take one push to get him out. Well it took 2 pushes, so he came right after midnight on the 12th.

Everyone was impressed with his hair. It is long and thick. It actually looks like he has highlights too. All the nurses said that he has both of our hair mixed. Kenney's dark with light brown highlights. The lighter spots you see is actually hair!

We are both impressed that he is able to snore already. He snorts and sneezes all the time. Like his Aunt Shayla he will sneeze multiple times in a row. I think 5 is the highest so far!

I don't know why this video is so blurry, but this is our little guy! Yes he is adorable, we know!! Hopefully he will just keep getting more adorable. We decided that we both have better pictures on our phones. We'll have to work on that and getting them posted.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Belly Pictures

If you did not know we are going to have a baby!! Yea!! My due date is March 15th, two weeks from today! Everyone has been bugging me about belly pictures and these are the first ones we have taken with our camera. I guess I am a little camera shy, especially when every time I go to the doctor I find out I gain more weight! I have been measuring small according to the measurements of my stomach, but the ultrasound 2 weeks ago said the baby was a week ahead for size. Hopefully the next post will be pictures of the baby and not me! The top picture was taken yesterday and the middle picture was taken today.

This picture was taken by one of my co-workers about 4 weeks ago. She is an up and coming photographer and does an amazing job. She is going to take pictures of the baby after he is born. I am really excited for that! Her website is on the bottom of the picture. (I was pushing my belly out on this picture because everyone kept saying I was not big enough. Trust me I feel big!!)