Friday, March 27, 2015

March Madness

Everyday is madness around our house, but it's especially fitting with the basketball tournament and all the games we've been watching! It has been really nice outside, so we have spent much more time getting out and enjoying the sun! We love the spring here because it is cool in the morning and not hot yet!! Hopefully soon, fingers crossed, we'll have a real yard soon!

We found out one day that Dairy Queen was giving out free ice cream cones, so of course we had to go get one.  Radley made a mess but sure was happy.  Kyler flirted with the girl handing them out and she dipped his in chocolate!!  It was a good day!
Radley loves doing everything his big brothers do, including wearing underwear!!  Most days he has to wear underwear over his diaper.  It's pretty cute watching him run around in underwear!
These boys love to watch basketball!  Kenney and I both watch it too, so it has become a normal thing around here this month with the NCAA tournament going.  They pick teams based on who's winning the game at the moment or the jersey colors, and they cheer for their teams pretty well.  Even Radley knows when to cheer!  It's really fun to watch them.
The boys wore these creature power suits for over 5 days straight after the birthday party.  The only took them off to go to church and to take a bath.  As soon as we got home from church or put on pjs, the power suits went back on.  I think people were wondering if I ever made them change clothes!  Radley just doesn't like to wear clothes unless he has to!
Seriously, they love these suits!
I almost got a good picture of them.
Radley just posing away!

One day at a friend's house Radley and a little girl around his age were playing so cute on the trampoline. They were making each other laugh, and it was adorable. 

This is Radley watching basketball. He yells, "Go" most of the time and claps. He also points out every made and missed shot. It's pretty funny to watch. Sorry the video is so dark we just didn't want to ruin the moment.

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