Monday, April 25, 2022

Radley Baseball

Radley had a great baseball season playing the 'real' game for the first time.  Kenney was his coach, but they had what Kenney calls "The Sandlot" team.  They were quite the rough group, most of which had never played before.  There was one other kid, Jake, that was really good, but he and Radley were the only ones. Radley mostly played pitcher and first base.  Regardless of his team, he still had a great time playing.  He loves baseball and is pretty great at it!

Radley with his two best friends that were not on his team, but he still had a great time!

Up to bat and ready to hit!

He did really well for his first time pitching.

He almost got the hit in his glove!

One of the many singles he got.  He hit the ball nearly every time he was up to bat!

He got all the way around!!! 

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