Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Ecuador with the Stingels

 My friend Jane served her mission in Ecuador and was super excited to share with us so many things she learned there! She was more than happy to help us experience the food and the culture and shared with us so many cool things. Before going to the Stingels we learned about the Galapagos Islands, listened to native music and played soccer.

These are some of the cool things she brought home with her.  Everything was in such bright colors.
This food was AMAZING!!!  She made carne asada, menestra, rice, a special sauce, mangos and platains. The kids were really good about trying everything and enjoyed the mango, the meat and they ate the lentils too.  The plantains were not as good as Jane was hoping, but we don't get the best plantains here!
The kids have been talking about these 'popsicles' ever since we ate them.  They don't typically have ovens in Ecuador so frozen treats were what she often remembered.
Some of the members of the church made this blanket of Heleman with the Stripling Warriors.
This flute was fun to play.  Athena was showing us how to use it.
The kids have asked several times to buy these creamy frozen treats since our visit!

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