Sunday, July 30, 2023

Summer Fun!

 A bunch of random stuff we did this summer!

Kenney received a pizza cutter from his mom for his birthday 6 weeks late and told him that he would remember her when she was dead because of the pizza cutter.  He then proceeded to make her a personalized pizza cutter engraved with her name and a message with the 3D printer.
Radley helping Mackenzie ride a bike
4th of July treat!
4th of July hair
Happy 4th!
Metal detecting with Papa Dude on the Aaronic Priesthood campout
Kenney, Jason and the boys enjoying the show as, the people who didn't look at the weather scramble to keep their tents dry, as they sit in the car dry and not worrying about their tents because they didn't set them up until AFTER the storm passed!
They got another light shower in the morning, but Kenney put the tent away before it got to them.  I'm grateful he is aware of his surroundings!
After the rain

Not quite sure what is going on here
But even more confused here!!
Fun at the library
Radley decided to stay up all night at his friend's birthday party.  I'm pretty sure he regretted it because it didn't take him long to pass out on my bed in this position.
Turns out this girl loves a pole, haha!
Like really likes poles.
I made some wild plum jelly with my mom.  It was a lot of fun, and I learned a new skill.
This crew went to Six Flags at the end of the month before school stuff started again.
This was before it went bad.

There were so many G forces Papa lost a filling!
Pool hair, don't care!

Took advantage of the Barbie props!

Kenney is always fighting the kids, rodents, or the dogs as he tires to keep the yard nice.

We didn't get the best video, but this girl sings her heart out when singing Peaches!

Kenney wanted to make sure to record Nana's reaction to her pizza cutter.

This girl has some amazing brothers! It was so cute to watch this.

The boys had a great time at Six Flags. It was extremely hot, but hardly anyone was there. They walked right on to so many rides. Unfortunately, that didn't work out well for Kenney. He needed a little more recover time in between rides because he got so sick and spent most of the day sleeping it off in the car. Thankfully, Papa Dude and Keyan went with them so they were able to keep going. They ended up riding 17 or 18 rides that day, the big coasters!!

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