Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Kyler's Knee

 On the Friday before Kyler's first basketball game, he was running sprints in practice.  He planted really hard and turned to go back to go the other direction and his kneecap dislocated.  He saw the kneecap go out and go right back in.  Kenney was able to grab a knee-immobilizer from the hospital.  The following Monday, after getting fitted for braces in Amarillo, Dr. Souder squeezed us into his schedule and confirmed he did in fact dislocate his kneecap.  Kyler then had to get his knee drained because there was so much swelling.  The swelling was a irritant to the knee joint and would make recovery slower.  It was more painful than the doctor told us it would be, but he was also surprised just how much fluid was in there.  103mL were drained from the knee.  He had me open another syringe to finish getting it all out.  He will be out of athletics for 6-8 weeks.

Kyler handled all of this so well.  He has held his head high and kept a great attitude!  Kenney know exactly how it feels to be injured and left behind. We are hopeful that he'll be able to return for at least part of the basketball season.  Here's to quick healing and being grateful we have a PT in the house!!

He was on crutches for about 2 weeks, but he was able to get around pretty well.

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