Friday, July 12, 2024

Mexico Part I

 The Keys family spent a few days together in Mexico again this summer.  We went to the same area, just a different house.  The kids had an absolute blast!!  It was really hot, but there were a lot of things to do, and everyone enjoyed being around family.  Keyan and Kelli did an amazing job organizing everything. These are just the bigger IG pictures, and the beginning of the trip.

Family pictures with my favorite

Ready to eat some tacos!
The big boys
Going nonstop with so much to do
Boogie Boarding
Loving the water
Sunset pictures by Damon and Luke
My favorite guy!
Going shopping!

All packed and ready to go!  That's some good packing!! 7 people's stuff for 9 days, church clothes, beach and bathroom towels, food, and a beach chair!

White Sands National Park, even if we wanted to stop, it was WAY too hot!

We could still see the white sand from the interstate.

All together meeting up at the gas station before crossing the border.

We made it to Mexico!

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