Thursday, July 18, 2013

Playing in the Rain/Mud

We have not gotten much rain in Texas during the last 3 years.  So basically during our kids' entire lives, we have been in a drought.  Kyler was excited when he woke up the other day to rain.  He begged and begged to go play in the rain.  If we had a yard, I would have sent him out right away, but all of us, including Radley, had to go out to play since they had to run around our apartments.  I finally agreed, and we all went out.  Kyler had an absolute blast!!  Damon was not such a big fan.  He doesn't like to get messy.  I know I have said this many many times, but I CANNOT wait until we have a yard!  I never realized how much boys need to run and play outside until recently.

Kyler found this puddle immediately, before I even got out the door.  He quite enjoyed the mud!!

Damon's (and my) idea of a puddle.  I thought playing in the rain only consisted of playing in the sidewalk puddles.  Kyler went straight for the mud!  I was really surprised Damon didn't like the mud.  I guess I shouldn't be too surprised since he doesn't really like sand or other things.

Damon barely touching the mud puddle.

A little while after 'testing' out the mud puddle, he got brave and decided to try and stand in it.  He didn't realize that Kyler had made the puddle quite deep after jumping in it so much.  It was about thigh deep for Damon.  He got scared after stepping in and fell.  This was his reaction.  I know I'm the horrible mom that took the picture rather than comforting the child.  It was really funny.

The deep puddle Kyler created.

He had mud from head to toe.

Damon couldn't get over his dirty hands.  He definitely gets that from me.  I hate having dirty hands.  I never would have jumped in mud puddles as a kid.  I know, Damon and I are kinda lame!

Damon attempting to clean his hands off!

Big Splash

Even 15mins after the fall, he still couldn't get over his dirty hands.  His face sums it up pretty well!

Kyler won the dirty award for sure.  I felt bad that we had to end his fun, but Damon HAD to have his hands cleaned.  I think Kyler would have stayed out there for hours!

Kyler's socks compared to Damon's socks.  My boys are SO SO different!

We got free Sluprees on 7/11.  I probably like the Slurpees just as much or more than the boys!!

He is getting big already!!  It is weird to have a baby sleep so much.  My other boys never really slept like he does (during the day).  It is pretty nice!

This video shows just how different the boys reacted to playing in the mud. 

This is Damon's new way of shooting baskets. We found him doing this one night, and I guess we shouldn't be surprised by anything he does, but I swear he is going to seriously injure himself one day. Kyler then climbed up there and got a little nervous because it was so high.

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