Monday, January 13, 2014

New Year's

I LOVE cousins!! It is so fun to watch my boys play and interact with their cousins! We were able to spend some time with cousins over the New Year's holiday, and it was great! Kyler and his cousin Tyce who are 5 weeks apart are best buds. They get along so well and play ALL day long. They hardly ever fight, and if they do, they get over it within 5 minutes. It is amazing. Damon is also playing much better with his cousins too.  It is so nice that they both have something to entertain them all day, and I don't have to do the entertaining!!  We got to see Aunt Savanna and meet her new boyfriend Kevin.  My boys love playing with her, and we miss her so far away in Utah.  She played with them so much, and Kevin jumped on the trampoline and wrestled with them too!  I was sad I forgot to take more pictures of my kids with aunts and uncles (on both sides of the family) over the Holidays.  Overall, our kids were very disappointed to come home!!

Tyce was so good with Radley.  I was really surprised how patient and loving Tyce was to Radley.  He is going to be a great big brother to his new sibling.

This little cutie, Luke, let me get some cute pictures!  He is about two and a half months younger than Damon, but he makes Damon look like a shrimp!

Someone needed a haircut!!

Brek wouldn't let me get a better picture.  I still can't believe how grown up she is now!!  It makes me sad.

I told you he was a cutie!!

Good thing he doesn't have stinky feet yet or those socks would be gross.

All the boys had fun outside.  They rode and pushed bikes and ride-on toys all day long.

Kenney showing Kyler how to ride his bike.

Seriously, they played together the entire time we were there.

Running up and down the driveway.  It was so nice that Nana & Papa's house has so much running space.

He is already a distracted driver; trying to eat while riding.

Nana & Kacy playing a game with all the kids.

This little guy got his 2nd haircut and discovered baths really can be fun!

Splash, Splash

He is getting big WAY too fast!

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