Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Crawling & More

He is officially on the move! Radley has been able to get around for a while now, but he is on hands and knees now ready to go!  His only problem now is that he has not figured out how to follow any of us.  He will stay in a room and scream rather than crawl to find us.  Hopefully once he figures that out the screaming in our home will decrease, but I'm not keeping my fingers crossed!!

I love this chubby little face and those blue eyes!

This hat has made both Kyler and Radley's faces look so round.

Someone left a chocolate animal cracker laying around and look who found it!

Grandma Hill sent the boys a Valentine's Day package and these lip whistles were in there.  Be grateful I didn't add a video of the lovely noise they make :)

These next pictures show just how different Kyler and Damon are.  This is what it looks like after Damon puts his clothes away.

This is what Kyler's drawers look like after he puts his clothes away.  I know that Kyler is 3 and Damon is 2, but Damon just muscles the clothes in and shoves them in the drawers.  Kyler, on the other hand, makes sure all his clothes fit, the drawers close and nothing is hanging out.

And Kyler couldn't stand Damon's clothes hanging out, so he went and tucked them all in the drawers!

He's getting so BIG!

Watching his brothers to make sure it's safe for him.

He likes to be right in the middle of everything; just ask Damon!!

This is how I found Kyler after I put all their clothes in the washer!  Goofy boy.

I know this is kinda gross, but I think his face is just priceless!  One night at dinner Radley all of a sudden started throwing up.  He then just sat there perfectly content!

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