Monday, February 3, 2014

Kyler's 'Test' & Krispy Kreme

Kenney is currently taking a pediatrics class at school and was given an assignment to perform a developmental test on a child. Since our house has plenty of children to go around, Kenney offered his classmates to use our kids to test. He decided to do the test on Kyler to see where he was standing. We thought he would be the best and easiest to test since he has a good ability to concentrate and understand what was being asked of him. We also thought it would be faster to test Kyler rather than Damon. Another group asked to do Radley, so Kyler it was! The test ended up taking 2 hours and 15 mins!! Apparently the child has to get 3 zeros in a row on each section of the test before stopping. Kyler made it to the end of every section and the test goes through age 6 and he is only 3!! We thought he was a little above average, but we were shocked!! He had the most trouble with scissors, but with good reason.  I have never let him use scissors!!  He did things I didn't even know he could do.  Needless to say, he made quite the impression.

We told Kyler that he was going to Daddy's school to take a test.  He went in his room to get ready, and this is how he came out.  He had a backpack and a lunchbox ready for school!!  It was pretty cute!
Here are his results:
       91 percentile for gross motor
       84 percentile for fine motor
       Overall 91 percentile (in one section for grasping he scored perfect)

So this is how Damon chooses to play around the house everyday.  If it was 80 degrees outside I wouldn't think anything of it, but it is freezing (literally) outside.  Our house is not that warm either!  He also refuses to wear pants outside, and rather than fight him, we now have a compromise to just put pants on over his shorts.  Crazy child!

Radley on a playgroup field trip to Krispy Kreme.  Sorry these are not the best pictures.  I was trying to hold Radley and watch the other two while taking pictures!

Kyler's horrible CHEESE face!

I was amazed that Krispy Kreme gave all of the parents and kids donuts, chocolate with sprinkles.  They also set the boxes down right next to us so the boys thought they each needed 2 donuts.  Kyler said, "Mom I only had ONE donut.  I need more."

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