Friday, March 7, 2014

Playing Outside & Damon's Stories

These boys love getting out any chance they get. Since we don't have a yard we have been trying to make do with what we've got, a parking lot! What is there to do in a parking lot? Throw rocks of course!! I told the boys the only way they are allowed to throw rocks is if they throw them at the fence and away from cars and people. Surprisingly they obey, for the most part! After they got tired of the rocks, they decided to bring their basketball goal outside. It was a good way to pass time while Daddy was studying and mom needed to distract the kiddos!!
Find the biggest rock possible out of the pothole and throw it at the fence or over it!

He of course had to join the fun too!

I'm not sure we are instilling good habits, but at least they are occupied and throwing away from the cars.

We try and avoid this pothole every time we pull in and out of our parking space, and my boys are kind enough to make it bigger!

Papa Dude would be proud of this trick shot.  This is how he used to play PIG/HORSE with me.  He never shot a 'real' shot.  Kyler usually makes all these shots.  Go figure!

Slam It!!

Kenney's hoping one day we will be able to compare this shot with him doing it on a real basketball goal!  We'll see, but for now he's pretty much dominating!

Getting ready for a bath and just so stinkin' cute I can't take it!!

He thinks he is so big and just like his brothers.

Here are some of the new basketball tricks Kyler has. I think Damon doing the tricks is pretty funny. He tries to do everything that Kyler does. I was trying to get Kyler to tell about how he thinks broccoli is what makes him big and strong, but he only talked about how big he is going to be one day!

Damon telling stories is hilarious. Here he is telling a story about thunder and Kung Fu Panda (the movie). Kenney was reading them a book, and they were talking about thunder. Something reminded Damon of the movie Kung Fu Panda which caused him to tell this story. His facial expressions are so funny, and he takes it so serious!

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