Sunday, October 19, 2014

Nice October Weather

The last couple weeks we have been trying to take advantage of the nice warm (not hot) fall weather, before we are stuck inside for the windy winter! The boys love going to parks, and we have been bringing scooters and balls too so we can stay even longer. They are also getting ready for Halloween. We got a couple Halloween packages they were thrilled about getting, and we went to the Pumpkin Trail. Basically they fill a park with thousands of Jack-O-Lanterns and other fun things. The boys had a blast, but the mosquitos were a little too much so we had to walk quickly!

Kyler has decided he is too big for the baseball T and now pitches to himself.  He throws up the ball and hits about 2 out of 3 balls!
Mr. Independent cannot be left behind, no matter the cost!
He is proud of himself every time he reaches the top!
This happens at least once every 10 mins of Damon's life.  Something makes him angry, and then he gets over it!
This is from a different day just thrown in the middle of all these others, but these little monkeys are brave!  Heights don't seem to bother them.
He loves to climb any chance he gets.
My sweet little guy is getting so big!!

Radley is pretty good at hitting the ball, but he hates it when Damon chases down his ball!  He screams every time; so naturally, Damon does it every time!
He's not quite able to climb to the top yet, but don't count him out for too long!
Kyler was excited to get these spooky things from his Halloween package.  We also got some other decorations so he decided to take down the ones he drew!
Vampire Teeth
He is so sweet when he is asleep. I wish it could last longer.
The Pumpkin Trail had a lot of cutouts, and Kyler insisted on wearing his skeleton mask to scare people.  Damon also wanted a mask ,so he wore an Ironman mask.
Pumpkins were everywhere and they had so much fun trying to figure out what all the carvings were.  Damon would point at one laughing and say, "Kyler (pronounced like Tyler) look at that one!" Haha Haha!!  It was really funny.
Radley wanted to walk up to each pumpkin, point at it, and grunt!  We would have been there all night if we went at his pace!
Yes, the boys wanted to be fairies, but we couldn't drop the mask for a fairy picture!
My Little Scarecrows
I would be terrified if he was actually able to drive that thing!
He kind of blends in!
I think the cutouts were a hit!  They wanted their picture in every one of them!
Radley pointed at everything, and Damon had to have his picture taken everywhere Kyler got his taken!
They really wished they could drive away!
The boys liked the "Inja Turtles" and the cool lights and smoke!

There is a kiosk at Sam's that gives out free samples, and the boys have to check it out every time we go.  On this particular day, there was gum in the machine.  Great!  They had never really chewed gum before so Kenney got this video of them chewing it.

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